Chapter 9

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Kakashi POV

"Guy is so fucking loud ! I hope (f/n) didn't hear him. Arg... I guess I was going to kiss her a moment ago... But it didn't happen. Because of him." I rolled my eyes and came back to the kitchen where (f/n) was.

- Sorry for Guy. Oh yeah, his name is Guy by the way. So, I'm sorry for him. He's really loud no matter the time of the day. I suspect him not being human.

- No problem. I guess it woke me up. I was still half asleep before he came. It's not serious.

- Good. So, what do you want to eat ?

- Nothing in particular. Anything is better than the poor meals I was eating only a week ago.

- I imagine. Egg and rice is good ?

- Yes, I love that.

(f/n) POV

I smiled at him and he went to the fridge to take the ingredients.

- I'm going to change while you do the breakfast, okay ?

- Wait-

He grabbed my arm preventing me for going further.

- Why don't you stay like that ? You know, we can just stay at home today. What do you think ?

- I don't have a training with Naruto today ?

- No, it's off today. And... you're really cute with this outfit.

He looked at the floor with a smirk as if he was embarrassed to have said what he said.

- Okay, if it's for the joy of your eyes, but I really need to brush my hair. I'll come back, don't worry.

- Great, the breakfast should be ready in 10 minutes.

- Okay ! And... I have to say you're really hot in this outfit too.

And I just left, heading for the bathroom, without even looking at his reaction. Now that I knew he liked me, it was so much easier to make some moves. But still, why did he talk to me about Anko ? Maybe it was a lie, but if it wasn't... I didn't know. I could ask him later. Now, the important was that he liked me, and I liked him, and that I wanted to kiss him so bad right now.

I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth and I left the bathroom. I leaned on the door frame and stared at Kakashi. I couldn't find someone hotter than him. It was impossible.

- I guess you like what you see, (f/n) ?

- We can say that.

I gave him a small smile. He laughed and turned himself to the oven.

- You're not a lion anymore.

- Nope. I hate having my hair tangled in the morning. Normally, brushing my hair is the first thing I do on the morning.

- Is that so ? Oh well, I can brush them for you next morning if you want.

- Because you know I'm going to sleep here tonight too ?

- I never said that. We can sleep at your place too, you know.

- Wha-


He gave me a plate full of egg and rice with a cup of tea. It looked so good.

- I hope you're going to like it. I'm not the greatest cook in town.

- Don't worry I'm sure I'll like it.

We started eating and it was good. It wasn't extraordinary, but it was still better than anything I could have done by myself.

- Hey (f/n) ?

- Mhmm ?

- Did you hear the conversation between Guy and me ?

I thought that he would be embarrassed to know that I heard it, so I said no.

- No, not really. Why ?

- Well, I need to talk to you about something.

It was it. He was going to say it to me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't stay in place.

Next chapter for sure ! It's a promise ! 

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now