Chapter 13

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Kakashi POV

We were sitting on the couch, watching a movie while eating our ramen.

- Hey (f/n) ?

She didn't answer me.

- Baby ?

Still no answer. I looked at her and she was asleep. "Training must've been hard today" I thought.

- What is it, Kashi ?

- Oh, you're awake ?

- Yeah, I am now.

- You should maybe put your ramen away before it slips out of your hand. You know, if you fall asleep again.

- I won't, but you're right.

- How can I be right and wrong at the same time ?

- Don't ask me. I'm not totally awake right now.

I laughed lightly.

- I wanted to ask you something (f/n).

- You can always ask me anything, you know that.

- I know... It's just...

- What is it ? Is something wrong ?

- Eh... No, everything is alright. I just... I wanted to ask you... if... if you... you wanted...

- If I wanted...?

- To be... my... girlfriend...?

- Of course, you dummy. Why I would say no ? I can't say no to you.

And I kissed her. Every time I saw her, hugged her, kissed her, I felt some weird things inside me. I just couldn't believe how much I was in love with her. It has only been 3 weeks since we were together again, and I felt I just couldn't live without her again. She was my world, the world I lost when she was kidnapped, when Obito died, when I killed Rin, when Minato-Sensei died... I was finally able to saw light when I was with her. I loved her. Not only liked her, loved her.

(f/n) POV

He finally asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't know what the big deal behind it was. How could I possibly say no to him ?

- Kashi ?

- Yes, girlfriend ?

He insisted on the word "girlfriend". It made me shiver.

- You know you can ask me anything, right ? I can't say no to you.

- Same here. And you know why ?

- Because I'm so cute.

I said with a cute grin.

- Well, yes. But no.

- Then why ?

- Because I. Love. You. I don't just like you. I love you. As I already said, you're my world. You were my past, you're my present and you will be my future. We were separated for 20 years, 240 months, 7 300 days, 175 200 hours, 10 512 000 minutes, 63 072 000 seconds. In every of them, I've thought about you. I love you so much it's unthinkable.

He was holding both of my hand, looking directly in my eyes. I just couldn't believe he just said that. He loved me. I just couldn't keep everything inside me. I had to tell him about Orochimaru, about Sasuke, about me. I loved him so much too. I just couldn't keep lying to him like that.

I fell in his arms and started crying.

Sorry for the small chapter !

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now