Chapter 12

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(f/n) POV

- Come on Naruto ! Give it more strength.

- But I'm so tired (f/n)-sensei !

It has been 2 weeks since Kakashi and I were together. Well, together... He didn't ask me to be his girlfriend yet. We didn't do a lot of extravagant things. Well, when he wasn't out the village with Sasuke. We didn't have a lot of time together first of all. He was presently out, but he was coming back tonight. I couldn't wait to see him again.

- We only have 2 weeks again before the final round Naruto. You better move yourself. You didn't improve a lot since we started 2 weeks ago. I bet Sasuke is far away from you right now.

- Ugh... Your training is so hard (f/n)-sensei ! Give me a break.

- Well, I guess we can call it a day. It 's dark outside. Same time, same place tomorrow.

- Oka-

- Oh wait. Why don't we take a day off ? We've been training everyday for 2 weeks. Yeah, same time, same place the day after tomorrow.

- FINALLY ! A DAY OFF ! You're the best (f/n)-sensei !

- Don't thank me now. You're still average you know. Neji will kick your butt if you don't improve fast.


- Alright, now go home. I have business to do at home.

- Oh... It's true Kakashi-sensei is coming back tonight uh ? Well, have a nice reunion with him tonight.

He looked at me with insinuating eyes.

- Shut the fuck up or I'm going to beat your ass. Get out of here. Now.

- Sorry (f/n)-sensei !

And he ran away. This kid was so scared of me. I may have taken this as an advantage sometimes...

While I was walking, my stomach began to gurgle. "I'll stop by Ichiraku on the way" I thought. It was really quiet outside. Maybe I took this training too far. It was literally 10pm.

I arrived at Ichiraku and someone was already there. It was Kakashi.

- Hey, Kashi. Already returned ?

- Oh hey, (f/n) ! Yeah, I made Sasuke run faster so I could see you sooner. I couldn't wait to see you again.

I blushed a little bit and I smiled at him. He returned the smile then he said...

- As I see, you had the same idea as me. Take-out ramens.

- Yeah, I am so hungry.

- Same. Your place or my place ?

- You have a bigger bed.

- I knew you would say that.

- Then why you asked ?

- Just in case.

We were looking at each other in the eyes. Then without even saying something he gave me a kiss with his mask on. Surprised, I asked him...

- Where did that come from ?

- From my heart.

He started laughing lightly. Then, he continued talking.

- You know, it's just been a while since I saw you.

- Over 20 years, 10 days it's nothing.

- Still, you're now so much more important to me that you were 20 years ago. I just missed you.

- Don't misunderstand me. I was just joking. I missed you too, so much.

He kissed me again, this time longer. We had been interrupted by Teuchi.

- Oh, sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but your ramen is ready (f/n).

- Oh, thank you. Have a nice evening, Teuchi !

We walked home together, holding hands.

- How is your training with Naruto going ?

- Oh, really good. This kid sure is stubborn, but I'm getting attached to him quickly. I'm just asking myself if I shouldn't ease his training. I think I might ask him to much.

- Don't worry, he should be alright. He's stronger than he looks like. He's still the nine tails fox kid.

- Oh yeah, I heard about that when I was with Orochimaru. It was the Akatsuki who summoned it if I recall.

- What ? It was the Akatsuki, not the Uchihas ?

- Yeah if I recall. It was a long time ago, so I'm not sure.

- If what you're telling me is true, the Uchiha clan could have still been alive somehow. They probably would get more protection and that incident could have been stopped. Only if we knew this sooner...

- Sorry, it's just what I heard.

- What are you apologizing for ? It's not your fault.

- I guess you're right.

- Hey, look, we're home.

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now