Chapter 20

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(f/n) POV

I felt better than a few minutes ago. I really appreciated the way he supported me. He didn't say anything, he was just there hugging me and letting me know he was with me. We were lying on the bed in our favourite position : him on his back, me on my stomach, one of my leg between his thighs, my head on his chest and one of his arms cuddling my back.

- Hey, Kashi. What was all the screaming earlier ? Was someone at the door ?

- Yeah... We can say that. Guy was stalking us by the window.

- What ? He heard us... you know...?

- No, he only heard you screaming and thought it was that, but it was when you were in a panic attack.

- He is such a weirdo. How can someone can't distinguish a pleasure scream from a fear scream ?

- I don't understand everything about him, but I did tell him he was a weirdo when I may have screamed him to get the fuck out of here haha.

He laughed and scratched the back of his head.

- But, (f/n), I really want to know. Like, I really want to be able to understand you, even if I know I can't, I want to try my best. I really want to help you.

I felt my heart compressing itself. It was hard talking about it, but I wanted him to know.

- Okay... What do you want to know ?

- Well, in a big idea, I know that Orochimaru is the hugest bitch on earth. But, can you, like, explain me what he did to you ? And why you have all these bruises too. If you don't feel strong enough to talk about it, it's okay.

- It's okay. I can tell you the first time he rap- ... did it. I think it's the time I remember the most clearly.

- I'm listening.

- So, I was 9 years old at the time. Well, it was my 9th birthday, precisely.

And I told him everything, how I thought Orochimaru was a kind person and how I learned against my will that he was the person that was going to hurt me the most.

As I was telling him the story, I realized he was crying. It wasn't sadness tears, it was probably anger tears, but I wasn't sure.

- But where are these bruises coming from ?

- It started when I was... Maybe 13 ? He discovered his BDSM tastes. And like you can see, it wasn't little slaps or punches. He was hitting really hard. It was almost taking the pain away from my... other place. Oh, I remember one time. He burned my skin to the 3rd degree with a fire jutsu. Look, it's right here.

I lifted the hoodie to show him a completely burned part of my skin on my belly. He was grazing my skin as if he didn't want to hurt me.

- It doesn't hurt anymore. You're don't have to graze my skin like that. It tickles me.

- I'm going to kill him.

- Uh ? What ?

- I'm going to kill Orochimaru.

- I'd love to do that too, but... Let's get back to reality, we are not strong enough to beat him.

- Maybe I'm not, but you are. I mean, you beat me in 2 minutes last time.

- I'm not even a challenge for him. When I was training with him, I never won. Never... I'm just scared...

- He'll have to kill me before he can touch you again.

- Precisely ! I'm not scared of him, I'm scared to lose you. If it was for your life, I'll let him do whatever he wants to do with me.

- I'll do anything to have you next to me. I'll give my life for you, I don't care. Living without you will be worse than being dead.

- I guess I kind of feel the same...

- We'll kick his butt together, don't worry.

- I hope you're right. We only have 2 weeks left.

- Don't worry babe. I'm sure the Hokage will find a solution.

And he kissed me under my ear. I don't know why, but I shivered by the touch of his lips on my skin.

- I see it's a sensitive spot here, babe. I'll use it maybe to my advantage another time.

I looked at him with a disapproval look. He laughed and kissed me multiple times on the same spot. He even left me with a hickey there.

- That hickey means your mine. Mine, and only mine.

- I've always been yours. Well, in my heart at least.

- That's so sweet. I love you.

- Me too. But, you know, the hickey you just gave me probably looks like every other bruise on my neck. How can I know which one is yours ?

- Eh... I wanted to ask you something.

- Yes ?

- How is that possible that I never saw these bruises before ? I mean they're really showy.

- Oh, I only put face powder on the part that the others can see, like my neck, my arms or my face.

- Ah, that explains it.

- But I'd like to keep yours, so which one is yours already ?

- The one right under you ear. You know, in your sweet spot.

- Hmph, I don't have a sweet spot.

- That's not what I felt. You shivered on the contact of my lips on your skin.

- Yeah, right... Believe what you say, but you still didn't talk me about Rin, uh ? We had a deal.

- Alright, put yourself at ease, it's a long story.

- Well, I think your perfect abs are comfortable and warm enough.

I winced at him. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and started his story. 

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now