Chapter 8

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Kakashi POV

I was lying on my back, (f/n) was lying on me, her head on my chest. We almost looked like a couple in that position. I couldn't sleep, but I didn't want to wake her, so I just stayed there waiting to fell asleep. I took the opportunity to admire her. She was perfect. Her sleepy face was the cutest one I ever looked at. Her hair was smooth and so light. Her booty was well rounded, and she didn't have a too big breast. Just perfect, you know. That's what she was.

While I was thinking about her, the situation that happened earlier came to my mind. When she was going to put my mask down, her face really close to mine and her eyes burning with desire, I really thought she was going to kiss me. But she didn't do it. And she turned herself away form me. What happened in her head that made her change her mind so suddenly ?

Damn, I really wanted her to kiss me. I hope that was what we she was going to do. "Lucky me ! I prefer that you don't like me. Imagine the awkwardness between us after that ?" Her words came back to my mind like a knife cost in the heart.

I stopped thinking about it and just tried to sleep.

(f/n) POV

I opened my eyes and tried to move, but I couldn't really do it. I realized I fell asleep on Kakashi. I had a leg between his thighs, a leg on one of his leg and I was lying on his chest. I was blushing so much, I was lucky that he was sleeping.

- Hey, (f/n). Had a nice sleep ?

"Uh ? He's awake ?" I thought.

- Um... Yeah haha...

I was so embarrassed. There was an awkward silence between us. We just didn't move, neither of us. I decided to break the silence.

- Is it being a while since you're awake ?

- Maybe an hour. I think.

- An hour ? You didn't think about getting up ?

- I didn't want to wake you.

- Oh, that's sweet...

- But since you awake, you could maybe get up. I don't feel my legs anymore.

- Oh yeah, sorry.

I got up against my will. I was feeling really good lying with him like that. I wished we could do that more often. But I guess we had to date each other to make that happen again.

- Ah ! My legs feel freedom again !

He started to stare at me.

- What ? You like what you see ?

I said joking. He started laughing.

- Hey ! That's mean.

- Sorry, it's just that with your messy hair, you look like a lion.

- Oh, shut up. I'm not one of these perfect girls.

- I would not say that.

- What do you mean ?

- Oh, nothing.

He left only giving me a smirk as a clue. I always hated when he was giving me his innuendo.

- No seriously, what do you mean ?

- Is it that important ?

- Yes !

- Okay, I just wanted to say that I find you perfect. Even disguised as a lion.

"What did he just say ? He thinks I'm perfect ?" I thought. I was the one thinking he was perfect. I was thinking I was mostly garbage. How a perfect guy like him could thought of me as a perfect girl ? I felt butterflies in my stomach, and I decided to reply the same thing to him.

- Hmph... Not true. Because, I think that you're perfect, Kashi.

He seemed so happy with what I just said to him. He got closer to me, his hand on my cheek, his other hand ready to lend his mask down, when-


- Ugh... This is the weird guy in a green jumpsuit that I was talking about yesterday.

- Oh, he's really loud for... What ? 7 fucking AM in the morning.

- I'm going to tell him to go away. Wait a minute, okay ?

He went to open the door, and this was a grown man in a tight green jumpsuit screaming so loudly that all Konoha probably heard him. How Kakashi succeed to bear him all these years ?

I was kind of curious, so I tried to hear their conversation. It was difficult to hear Kakashi because he was whispering, but it was easy to hear the other guy. I heard only what the jumpsuit guy said.

- Oh ! That's the girl you talked about ? Your childhood best friend, right ?


- Oh, come on. Tell me, do you like her ?


- Of course, I can keep a secret. Pleaaaaaaaaaaase tell me, Kakashiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.


- Cut the crap, Kakashi. Yes or no ?


- Ohhhhhh ! I knew it ! I hope she feel the same for you.


- Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'll come back later when you have... You know.



"He likes me. He fucking likes me." I thought.

Like you can see, I REALLY like to write this story, so a lot of chapters are coming out real quick. It's been only a week that I started this story and I already have 8 chapters out + the prologue that is 6600 words approximately. I hope you like my story, because personally I really like it. And, who knows ? Maybe there is going to be something between Kashi and (f/n) on the next chapter... Stay tuned for it !

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now