Chapter 7

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Kakashi POV

"Best friends... I guess it is okay for now. But I really hope we can get closer somehow." I thought.

We prepared popcorn and miso soup with eggplant, my favourite. We sat on the couch with 2 big fluffy blankets.

- Oh, wait ! Shouldn't we wear our pyjamas ? I'll be right back.

And she left the apartment. I went to my room to decide what I'll be wearing. I stopped my choice on a pair of comfy joggings without a t-shirt. Of course, I was still wearing my mask, but that was all. Normally, I was sleeping only with boxer on, but it was probably too soon for that.

I came back to the living room and (f/n) was already there. She was wearing black leggings which put in perfect value her curves and an oversized t-shirt. "Damn, she's so sexy even in these comfy clothes." I thought.

(f/n) POV

Kakashi got out of his room, but the only things he was wearing was a pair of joggings and his mask. I started to blush when I looked at his perfect abs and his V-line. "Damn, he's so hot." I thought.

- What's wrong (f/n) ? You look lost in your thoughts.

- Yeah, sorry ! It's just that you're... eh... you...

- I'm what ?

- Well... eh... You changed a lot.

- No shit. I'm not 6 anymore (f/n).

He laughed lightly. His laugh was so cute and sexy at the same time.

- And (f/n), I can say the same thing to you.

He was looking at me with indescribable eyes.

- Okay, okay... Stop staring at me and come here.

I pointed the free seat next to me on the couch. I turned on the TV on a movie and lowed the volume, so we could talk.

- So, how's life ? How is it going with Anko ? She wasn't your type at all when we were kids.

- Yeah... I guess I changed my mind. But, really, there isn't much to talk about her and me. It's just a little crush you know. Plus, she's not interested at all, so forget it all about her and me.

It was quiet. I tried to understand why he was asking me to forget it about her. She was my best friend's crush. It was important that I could support him and all.

- Hey (f/n)... Can I ask you an indiscreet question ?

- Yeah, sure. What is it ?

- What did you do with Orochimaru all these years ? Like, what did he made you do ?

- Well, until the age of 14, he trained me personally every day. Even when I was wounded, I had to train. After that, I went on so many missions that I can't even count them. Most of the time, I had to kill people. ... I... I killed... so many people, Kakashi. They were all innocent people. I'm a fucking monster.

I didn't know why, but I was feeling very overwhelmed by my emotions. Sure, I felt like a monster every time I killed people, but I didn't think it had affected me that much. I just couldn't help myself and started crying.

- Hey... Don't call yourself that. You're not a monster. If you are one, I'm one too. I killed so much people too.

- You just can't understand. I had to kill people that I was cherishing so much. He forced me to do horrible things.

- I killed my friends too. I killed... my team. I killed them... I didn't want to...

He started crying really intensely. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

- I'm so glad you're back (f/n). The only real friend I had was a weird guy in a green jumpsuit.

- What the fuck... You're lucky that I'm back to give you normality in your life.

I didn't know if we were laughing of crying. Maybe a little bit of each. But still, I was feeling so good in his arms. His skin was warm, and his arms were enveloping my whole body. I felt so much in security with him.

- I missed you so much, Kashi.

- I missed you so much too, (f/n). You can't imagine how hard it has been without you. You better not leave me again. I just can't live without you again. You make me feel comfortable and I know I can trust you no matter what. You're just so special to me.

The things he just said gave me a warm feeling inside me. I looked at him and he looked at me. I saw his eyes shining. I don't know what got into me, but I was getting closer and closer to his face. I put one finger under his mask, ready to take it off his face, when I remembered what he said earlier. "No, no, no, no, no, not you ! It's Anko. (If you like me-) It's not the case. It's just a crush I got on Anko." I retired my finger under his mask and turned myself to the TV.

- What just happened ? Why are you turning around ?

- Oh sorry, I just got overwhelmed by my emotions.

- Soooo ? Come here. I need a longer hug.

He opened his arms as he gave me an invitation to join him. I just put my head on his chest to showed him I was annoyed by something.

- Oh, stop sulking me. What did I say that was wrong ? I guess I shouldn't have asking you about Orochimaru. It's a sensible subject as I see.

- Yeah... I guess your team is a sensible one too.

I smirked when I looked at his puffy eyes.

- You're the one to talk. It's you that started crying first as I know.

- Okay, okay. You're right. But, now, we should shut up before our miso soup become cold.

- Good idea.

He gave me a smile and started eating. He was the only person who could completely change my mood just by making a smile. How was he doing that ? 

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now