Chapter 16

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Kakashi POV

(f/n) was covered in bruises and scars. How could I have not seen them sooner ? She wasn't less beautiful or something, but I was feeling really concerned about her.

- It's that Orochimaru bitch, right ?

- How do you know ?

- You sleep talk (f/n).

- So, you know... You know what exactly ?

- That this bitch abused you since you were 9 and that it continued until you left 3 weeks ago.

- Wow, I give a lot of information when I sleep.

She had a sad laugh.

- (f/n), I want you to know that you are still as beautiful as before to my eyes. You're probably even more beautiful now.

- Why's that ?

- Because these scars mean that you're still standing up after everything that Orochimaru did to you. And that strength is beautiful to my eyes.

She looked at the floor, trying to smile. I took her chin in my hand lift her face up so she could look at me.

- (f/n), I don't want you to hide me anything. To my eyes, you'll always be the most beautiful, the strongest, the nicest, the person I trust the most. No matter what shows up, I'll take it as a quality of you. Every default you have, I love them like I love you. I don't love a part of you, I love the everything.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. She began to cry, hugging me with all her strength.

- See, you're a crybaby and I love that.

I laughed and she joined me. She began to fell, but I was catching her up.

- Shouldn't we go sleep ?

- Yeah... Sorry, I know you were horny tonight.

- I don't care at all about that. We have all the time of the world to do it. And, with your past with Orochimaru, I think we should take our time.

I took (f/n) in my arms, closed the lights and put her in the bed.

- Wait before taking all the blanket. I just need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a few minutes.


She looked asleep. I was still so horny after what happened between her and me. I just needed to jerk off before going to bed. I entered the bathroom, but I didn't close the door. She was asleep anyway. I sit on the toilet and took my member out of my boxer. I was really hard, just as I thought. Damn, this girl has the gift to excite me.

I started to jerk off. I thought about how sexy (f/n) was. I tried to keep my moan inside me. It was so good that I couldn't keep it inside. I moaned pretty loudly. I hoped (f/n) didn't hear it.

(f/n) POV

I woke up by some noises coming from the bathroom. Kakashi wasn't there with me in the bed. I decided to go check. Plus, I really needed to pee. The door of the bathroom was open, so it should be okay. But, when I looked inside the bathroom, I saw Kakashi jerking off.

He looked at me and I looked at him. THAT was embarrassing. But damn his member was huge. I tried to relax the atmosphere.

- Well, I can say that you were gifted by nature.

He was blushing on a shade of red so dark it looked almost like purple. It didn't help.

- Sorry, I only tried to, you know, relax the atmosphere.

- That's embarrassing.

- Yes. Next time you should maybe, close the door.

- Yeah. Good idea.

We looked at each other and we ended up bursting out laughing.

- Let's forget this (f/n), okay ?

- Oh, well, it doesn't change that I've seen it. And I could never erase this image of my memory. I'm telling you, you're the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Does it remember something to you ?

- That's something I said earlier. Hmph, taking my words against me.

- No but seriously, I hope you won't need to do that anymore. I'm here you know.

- (f/n), we should seriously take that slow. I don't want you to feel obligated.

- Kashi, after what I saw, I really want you bad. I never felt what sexual pleasure is, because I was forced every time. But I know that, with you, it'll be different. I really want you in me. But I'm too tired for it right now. So, finish jerking off and come cuddle in the bed with me okay ?

- Well, after all that, I'm not hard anymore. I'm coming in a second.

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now