Chapter 22

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(f/n) POV

- But... How ?

He was blushing and scratching the back of his head.

- Eh... I used my shadow clone...

- That's so smart ! I never thought about that. You sure have a lot of imagination.

He blushed even more.

- Hehe... You know... I guess I was just alone.

I climbed up on him and he immediately put his hands on my still uncovered butt.

- You're not alone anymore, Kashi.

I got closer to his ear and whispered :

- You don't need a simple shadow clone anymore.

When I said that, he started kissing my neck. He stopped just the time to whisper something to me.

- And you're so much better and hotter than a shadow clone.

As he was still kissing my neck, I began to feel a bump on my thigh.

- How can you still possibly be horny ?

- That's my secret, (f/n). I'm always horny.

We laughed and I collapsed on my side.

- Are you all right now, babe ? At least, you don't seem to be crying anymore.

- Yeah, I'm good. Thanks to you.

- Ugh... I feel so comfortable lying on you, in the bed, touching your warm skin, on a beautiful morning. I could stay in the bed for an entire day like that.

- Then, why not ?

- We have to go see the Hokage. Now. We can't waste more precious time.

- By now, you mean right now ?

- Yup !

I got up and went to his closet. I chose a pair of black jeans with a tight black shirt. I got undressed without really caring if he was looking at me or not and put on his clothes. His jeans were a perfect fit, but the supposedly tight shirt wasn't tight at all on me. It was more like a loose shirt on me. I was kind of looking good tho. I loved wearing his clothes. His sent was impregnated in them.

- Come on, get dressed too, Kashi.

- Damn, my clothes look so good on you. It's kind of turning me one hehe...

He got up too and started getting undressed. I went back on the bed and couldn't help myself but to look at him. He saw me staring and got uneasy.

- Are you going to keep staring at me like that ?

- But I can't help myself. And I'm pretty sure you looked at me too.

- Me ? Pff, no way.

I rolled my eyes and got up. I kissed his cheek and headed out of the bedroom. I went to the kitchen looking for something to eat. I grabbed an apple and waited for him.

It had been now 10 minutes I was waiting for him.

- What are you doing, Kashi ? It's so long.

- I'm coming in a few minutes. I have just a little problem right now.

- What kind of problem ?

He got out of the bedroom and I immediately saw what the problem was.

- You see ? I can't go out like that !

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now