Chapter 15

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(f/n) POV

I opened my eyes and I saw the face of Kakashi. We were moving. I looked around and I realized I was in his arm and we were heading to the bedroom.

- Oh, did I wake you (f/n) ?

- Yeah, I think.

- Sorry. I was going to bring you in the bed since you were sleeping.

- What time is it ?

- It's 0:30am.

- Were you going to sleep too ?

- I guess so, why ?

- I don't know. I just want you to cuddle me.

-Okay, but I must change myself before going to bed. You should do it too. The Jonin outfit is not really comfortable, in my opinion.

He put me down on the bed and headed to his wardrobe.

- Can I have one of your shirts please ?

- Yeah, have this one. It's really comfortable.

- Thanks.

I began to change myself. I was still half asleep, so I didn't realize that I was changing in front of Kakashi. He started blushing as he looked at me. He didn't even look away for a moment. He was staring at me. I took off my pants and my shirt and I only kept the shirt that Kakashi gave me.

- You're a goddess (f/n).

Then I remembered he was here. I was blushing so intensely. At least, it was just my pants and shirt. The lights were offtoo, so we weren't seeing a lot. It could have been worst.

- Hehe... Sorry, I was like in a dream where you weren't there.

- Oh, well, it doesn't change that I've seen it. And I could never erase this image of my memory. I'm telling you, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

- Thanks, I guess...

- Don't be shy. I'd like to see you more often like that.

He was getting closer to me. Ready to kiss me when I stopped him.

- Before that, we should even the score, right ? You're still in training clothes. Shouldn't you be in pyjama ?

- Oh, you want to play that ? Alright.

He took his shirt off, throwing it somewhere in the room. I started to laugh.

- Hey ! Stop laughing. I'm trying to be sexy !

- I don't know, sorry. I must be tired.

- Then how about you are taking my clothes off ?

I didn't think about it until now, but images of Orochimaru were popping in my head. How he wanted me to take his clothes off. How he wanted me to touch his member. I tried to chase these images away, but I couldn't. It was only Kakashi, the man I love. And I wanted him so badly. "Fuck Orochimaru, he's not going to corrupt my sentimental life."

- Are you okay (f/n) ? You look out of you. If you don't want to do it, it's okay. I'll never have you to do something you don't want.

- No, I want to do it. Seriously, I want you badly. I just need to wake up a little.

- Are you sure ?

- Yes, 100% sure. We said no more secrets, right ?

- Then, I want you so badly too. You're so sexy (f/n).

I looked at him and saw a big bump in his pants.

- I see that.

He covered his member with both his hands. He was blushing a lot. I never saw that shade of pink on someone's face.

- That's embarrassing to have you stare like that.

- Hey, that was embarrassing too when you were staring at me before.

- Gna gna gna. Stop staring and come here.


I got up and got close to him. He took me by my waist and pulled me towards him. I was now so close that our body were touching the other one in all his part. I felt his member bump on the bottom of my belly, since we were almost the same height. He kissed me, wandering his hands on my hips, then in my back while finishing on my ass.

Images of Orochimaru kept popping in my head. I tried to stay calm, but panic started to take over me. I tried to think about Kakashi, instead of Orochimaru and it worked. I began to calm myself and I was able to chase him from my head.

- Are you okay (f/n) ? You seem panicked.

- No, I'm good now.

- We said no secrets remember ?

- I do. I promise I'm fine.

- Okay, then why don't you take my pants off like we said before ?

He had eyes full of desire. I naughty smiled at him and crouched myself. The bump was even bigger than before. I couldn't imagine how big he was. I took the top of his pants and I began to lower slowly, being careful to rub his member in passing. He moaned just a little bit.

I stood up and looked at him in the eyes. He was biting his lower lips. He looked at me from bottom to top.

- I guess It's my duty to take this shirt off you. You know, since it's mine.

- Do as you please, Kashi.

He kissed me while taking off my shirt. We broke the kiss the time I passed the shirt up my head, but, when I wanted to kiss him again, he stopped me.

- I want to look at you, (f/n). You're the most beautiful woman on earth. Please let me look at you.

-I don't know... I mean it's embarrassing.

- Please... I'm the only one here and, see, I'm in underwear too.

The real reason I didn't want him to look at me was because of all the bruises I had on me. All the scars I had. They were not visible in the dark, but if he was coming too close, he'd see them for sure.

- It's not that. It's because I'm ugly.

- Stop saying that, I'm sure you're not.

Then he ran towards the light. I tried to stop him, but he was already there.

- Stop !

He turned on the light. I tried to hide myself with everything I could find but I wasn't fast enough. He looked at me with concerned eyes.

- Who did that to you ?

A real lemon will be coming in a few chapter ! 

I'm sorry, Kakashi... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now