Chapter 24

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"Thank you France! Till we meet again!"

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"Thank you France! Till we meet again!"

We waved and tried to make eye contact in each and everyone of our fans. I saw soem fns crying and signaled them not to because we will surely be back and we'll meet again. We stood in the platform and bowed. Slowly, the platform went down and the last concert for our world tour ended.

"Finally! World tour is done!" Dohyon said then cracked his neck.

The staffs immediately gave us some water and assisted us. Chaeyeon noona helped me remove my coat because I was soaking wet. I grabbed the towel threw by Minhee to wipe my sweat away.

"Congrats my boys. You did great." Jinhyuk hyung said while clapping. The staffs joined him as well. The five of us gave them a smile and said thank you as well for their hard work. 

For the past few months, we've been travelling to different places for our world tour. It was tiring but it was worth it to see our fans smiling. We always give our best in every practice so that the time spent by our fans, waiting for us, would not go to waste. 

Our tiredness vanish away every time we perform on stage and hear the crowd's cheer. That's where we get our energy. That's where we get the will to perform. I would not even imagine this years ago but here we are. 

"Wash yourself up before sleeping especially you Minhee." I said which made Minhee glare at me. I laughed then opened the closet. I grabbed my nightwear then changed my clothes. I stood in front of the mirror to combed my hair.

"X1's Han Seungwoo and soloist Kwon Eunbi rumored to be dating-"

Eunsang changed the channel and pretended like nothing happened. Hyeongjun coughed and drank some water. I caught a Minhee looking at me and I just smiled at him.

We watched some movies and played games before deciding to sleep because we have an early flight to catch tomorrow. 

Dohyon came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. A little later, I heard him snoring already which made me chuckle. I kissed his forehead before drifting to sleep.

The next morning, we woke up early to catch our flight. I was the first one to stepped out of the car. I used my hand as a shield to cover up the sunlight. We waved to some fan sites from afar taking pictures of us.

I'm very thankful for them because those fan sites know how to respect our privacy, only taking pictures from a far.

"I'll take the seat at the other side." I said when there's only four seats and the other one is at the other side.

I sat down beside a girl and prepared for the take off. Midway of the flight, I put on my headphones and listened to some calming music. I have nothing to do anyway the others are already asleep.

For the past two years, a lot happened.

After that incident that I don't want to remember, it took as months to bury that issue. A lot of fake dating news was published. A lot of articles full of lies just to cover up our 'mistake'.

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