Chapter 33

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"Son, stop walking around you're making me dizzy!" My mother complained when I keep walking back in forth in the living room in front of her

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"Son, stop walking around you're making me dizzy!" My mother complained when I keep walking back in forth in the living room in front of her. I sat down beside her and looked at her with worried eyes.

"What do you think they're talking about? If father's going to beat him up we can hear it right? The door to get to the backyard is not close I can quickly go there right? Right mother?" I asked while holding her hand. I didn't even notice that I was holding it tightly until she whimpered. 

"Relax. Your father will not do anything to your Seungwoo okay?"

My Seungwoo..

Earlier, Father joined us. The atmosphere was okay though thanks to my mother for lifting the mood up. Then I presented to wash the dishes. Mother didn't agreed at first and that she's just going to wash it. I suggested that we can do it together.

While washing the plates, I saw Father going to the backyard followed by Seungwoo hyung. We made eye contact and he gave me a smile assuring me that it will be okay but I can't help but to get worried.

I stood up when I heard the sliding door opened. I almost ran towards them but stopped when I saw them.. laughing?

"Take care of my son." Father said with a smile while patting Seungwoo hyung's shoulder.

"I will.. Father."

I looked at Mom with a raised eyebrow. She gave me the look I-told-you-so.

"What happened? Why is my Father like that?  Han Seungwoo, what did you do?" I whispered to him while my parents are talking.

"I did nothing. We just talk and all."

Eventually, our stay at my hometown turned out well. I had fun for I got to bond with my parents. It was even more special because Seungwoo hyung was there. My parents, as expected, like him. No, I think they already love him.

Those two days passed by like a blur and tomorrow we're going to leave already. Father and Mother doesn't want to let us go yet but we have to. To be honest I want to spend more time with them as well but there's still next time.

"Good night my baby." Mother said then kissed my cheek. Father said goodnight to me as well before I entered my room. Seungwoo hyung was still in the bathroom and I sat down on my bed, drying my hair. 

I chuckled when I remember our first night here. Mother let Seungwoo hyung sleep in my room. Of course I didn't let him to sleep on the floor. I made him sleep beside me because I was okay with it. Father knocks our door from time to time to check what we're doing. Father, really is something huh.

The bodyguards that Jinhyuk hyung ordered to come with me stayed at the nearest inn. Mother invited them all one time at dinner. I told them that instead of guarding me they can roam around because we can't go out anyway. They obliged. Well, except for Dong-i of course who's basically in the van outside our house the whole day in case we decided to go out. I invite him inside as well. 

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