Chapter 1

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(Okay here we go. I'm scared to write this :').)

This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

You were always the talkative sort of person. Well... maybe there should be more emphasis on the word "were".  You'd started to get a bit more.. shy around people since you had to move away from your best friend Okuyasu. You'd moved to a completely new part of the world, America to be exact, because your dad was from there, you'd gone to a new school, and making friends seemed to become harder. The thing was, was that you were only twelve when you had to move away, and your parents had told you literally the week before you were moving. This was obviously unexpected, and you were upset that you would have to tell your bestie the upsetting news the next day. So, you basically cried yourself to sleep that night, wondering why you even had to move in the first place.

Things had only gotten a bit better from then. You and your parents had moved to New York, so ya'll could do things to take your minds off of all the unpacking you would need to do. It helped your parents, but you? Not so much. You couldn't stop thinking about how Okuyasu must've been feeling at the time? Was he sad? Was he angry? Was he also scared of not making anymore friends? Well... it's not like you were his only friend.. which you weren't. You ended up being sent to a new school, but not before being taught some basic English words. A lot of the kids kept asking what it was like back at your birthplace, you would only answer with a simple, "It was fun," then go back to being the quiet kid. On the bright side, you did make two new friends, Jenna and Bailey. You would have lots of fun together, and they started to make you forget about the whole thing with Okuyasu. You would teach them some Japanese, tell them about the things you used to eat, or the things you used to do, and they would do the same thing to you.

             ~~~Time skip brought to you by Diavolo (you're 14 now)~~~

You'd grown to be happy with your new life, and almost completely forgotten about being upset about the move. You were still a bit shy, but somewhat talkative at the same time. You'd only speak when you were spoken to, or had an answer for anything, even though your friends tried to get more words than, "Yes", "No", "That sounds cool", or ,"Meh" from you. They weren't too successful, but hey, at least they tried. You would always wonder why those two had decided to become friends with you... Was it because you didn't have any friends and were too shy to make any? Was it because they just wanted to know more about Japan? Or did they just feel bad for shy people like you? You could never figure out why.

Like I said before, you had grown to be happy with your new life, until one certain day at school. That day you had finally figured out why Jenna and Bailey had decided to be your friends. They were using you. You had found out when a girl, apparently the "popular" girl, had asked you some pretty personal questions about your life. Questions about some (pretty embarrassing) things in your life that you had only told your two friends about. And sure enough, you saw the two of them standing behind the girl, laughing. Your eyes had gone wide at this. How could they do this to you? After everything ya'll had done together? They ruined the trust bond you had made with them, just for some girl with more power than anyone else? You ran away crying, the three girls running after you, asking the same questions over and over again. You couldn't take it, you got up, walked over to Jenna and Bailey, who were laughing, and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL?! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS! BUT YOU DECIDE TO USE MY SECRETS AS SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT WITH THIS OTHER PERSON?! I SHOULD'VE KNOWN NOT TO TRUST YOU GUYS!" Tears were still flowing down your face, and the three girls just stared at you in awe (not the good kind), everyone did. You ran down the hall of the school, and left without telling anyone, ignoring the calls of your fellow teachers for you to come back.

You didn't exactly know where you were going, but you just ran. You ended up going to some alley and crying your eyes out... You knew there was some other reason as to why you didn't want to move here... After you were done crying, you got up and decided to go back home, your face stained with tears. You didn't have a key, because it was in your bookbag, and you'd left that at school after running away, so you decided to knock. Thankfully, your mother was home, because she was one of those "stay at home moms". She opened the door, and immediately hugged you. "What's wrong (Y/n)?" she asked, obvious worry in her voice. You didn't respond, and your mother took that as a sign that you didn't want to talk about it. You ended up staying the rest of the night in your room, doing something you hadn't done in a while... crying yourself to sleep...

(Okay so that was the first chapter... uhhhh..... I hope it was to cringe, but if it was, then i'm sorry :'). Things definitely took a strange turn, huh? Anyways, I hope you're liking the story so far!!! Keep reading if you do!)

Best Buds: An Okuyasu x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now