Chapter 13

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese 

(N/n)= Nickname

It all started when you were about 6 years old. You were sitting down in your 1st grade class, reading a book. You would quietly sound out the words to yourself, since you still had lots to learn about spelling.. and pronunciation. "She.. the... the...r..oom..," you quietly said to yourself. You didn't even know what you were reading. You just picked up a book from your school library, and decided to read it. You looked up as your teacher cleared their throat.

"Ahem! Class! Settle down please!" your teacher said, and the class obeyed. The teacher smiled before opening the door to the classroom, only for a little boy, about your age, to walk in. He walked in with a big smile on his face, looking eager to start his day. The teacher put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Class, this is our new student, Okuyasu!" the teacher said, motioning to Okuyasu. "Say hi to him everyone!" they said again. "Hi!" the class exclaimed. "Hello!" he replied. The teacher motioned to the empty seat at your table. "Okuyasu, you can go sit over there, next to (Y/n). (Y/n), will you raise your hand so he knows where you are?" the teacher said, looking at you. You raised your hand high and proud, excited that the new kid got to sit next to you.

He walked over to you, and sat in the empty chair. You watched as he put his bag down, and took out some of his supplies. Then, he turned to you, and stuck out his hand. "Hi! I'm Okuyasu! And your (Y/n), right?" he asked, waiting for you to shake his hand. You did, and you nodded to confirm that you were in fact, (Y/n). "Cool! Well, uh, what kind of stuff do they do at this school?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. You thought for a bit. What kind of stuff d i d your school do? "Well, um.. We do normal school stuff? I think?" you said, unsure if you were right or not. He sighed. "Normal school stuff is so boring though! I wanna do something fun!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"No no! Our school isn't boring! We do fun stuff all the time!" you said, waving your own hands in defense. He stopped waving his hands in the air. He looked at you with a wide grin. "Really?! What kind of stuff do you do?" he exclaimed once again. "Well... Our teacher let's us make stuff out of clay, and then let's us paint it when it's dry," you said, trying to find ways to make him want to stay at your school, because your six year old mind thought he would just leave if he thought the place was even just a little bit boring. "Whoa! That sounds so cool!he said with excitement in his voice. You laughed. "It is!"

"Hey (Y/n)," he started. "Yeah?" you asked. "Can we pretty please with a cherry on top be friends?" he asked, almost immediately starting to beg you. "Of course we can be friends!" you replied, hugging him. You couldn't see it, but when you hugged him, he had the lightest blush on his face.


For the next 5 years, you and Okuyasu were inseparable. You two did everything together. It got to the point that people would think ya'll got into some kind of argument every time they saw one of you at the theater without the other. You also had nicknames for each other. You called him 'Oku', and he called you, '(N/n)'.  

The two of you were so close... and then the move happened. You couldn't bare to see the look his face might have when you would have to tell him. You exhaled as you walked down the sidewalk to meet him in your regular spot, which was under an oak tree. You got there, to see that he was already sitting there, waiting for you. When he saw you come over, his face had a big grin, and he was waving at you.

You waved back at him weakly, and sat down next to him. He could tell something was wrong. He put a hand on your shoulder. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" he asked, concerned. You didn't want to look at him, you were too afraid you's burst into tears. You eventually took the chance of looking at his face, and well... you did burst into tears. His eyes widened as you hugged him. "(Y-Y/n)! W-what happened?!" he asked, letting you cry onto his shoulder. You pulled away, and wiped your eyes. "O-oku..," you said with a quaking voice. He kept staring at you with concern, as if to tell you to continue. "I... M-my parents and I... are..," you started, holding back another surge of tears. "You're what (Y/n)?" he asked. "W-we... we have to move to another home.... f-far away," you said, immediately bursting into tears after.

His eyes widened at your words. It was his turn to tear up. He himself was holding back tears of sadness at the thought of you not being there as his friend. He slowly put his arms around you, and hugged you. He silently cried as he hugged you. "(Y-Y/n)... I-it'll be okay," he said, tightening his grip around you. You could tell by the sound of his voice that it was not going to be okay. "I-I wish I could convince them to let us stay, but... I can't," you said, pulling away from the hug. Okuyasu was wiping the tears off of his face. 

"Oku... How are- How are we gonna stay in touch?" you asked, tilting your head a little bit. His eyebrows furrowed, causing one little tear to fall down his face. "I don't know... But what I do know.. I-is that we'll figure out a way.. like we always do!" he said, pumping a fist into the air. You smiled, then started laughing. He soon joined in with your laughing, and the two of you stayed like that for what seemed like forever... it was only a few minutes. He stood up, and you soon followed. "Well, I gotta get home. I have to get my big bro to see what we can do about this..," he said waving to you, heading in the direction of his house.

You chuckled. "See ya later.. Oku."

(Ahaha, pretty epic... backstory? Idk. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this [sort of] long ass chapter. See ya later! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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