Chapter 21

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

You woke up in strange mood. It wasn't the bad kind, in fact, it was the really good kind. You weren't very sure why you were like this, because usually you'd never be so excited to get out of bed. 'Why am I like this?' you thought to yourself. You didn't care. All you knew was that something had made you very happy yesterday, and it was still effecting you. You stretched, got out of bed, and nearly skipped your way to your little closet. You pulled out your (fugly) uniform, and put it on, all while having a big grin on your face. You walked out of your room after making sure you looked presentable, and you walked to the kitchen to see what was for breakfast.

"Morning mom!" you said. Your mother raised an eyebrow. "Well, I see someone's happy. What's the occasion?" she asked. You shrugged, receiving a nod from your mother, which meant that she understood that even you didn't know the answer to her question. "What's for breakfast?" you asked, looking to see what she had made. "I made you some pancakes," she said, handing you a plate with two of them. You grabbed the plate, and sat down at the dining table. You ate your pancakes pretty quickly, and walked over to your mom. "Alright mom, imma head out," you said, kissing your mom in the cheek, which is something you didn't usually do, and walking to the front door. "Bye (Y/n)! Have a good day!" she called out to you as you walked out of the condo (not with an "m" at the end, okay?😳).

You rushed out of the hotel, eager to get to school. You still didn't know why you were so damn happy, but you were. You thought it felt.. nice, being like this. You focused your mind on other things as you walked to school. The birds chirping, people talking, the ice cream store that you and Okuyasu went to yesterday. "Wait," you muttered. You stopped dead in your tracks, and looked at the store. Your face immediately turned red like a c h e r r y. You had remembered why you were so happy. Okuyasu had kissed you. Your lips turned slightly upwards. Your happiness from yesterday was still there, and you knew you wouldn't be able to get rid of it.


You walked into the school yard, looking for your special someone. You finally spotted him by a fountain, and you started to walk over to him. He noticed this, and did something that surprised you a lot. He did what only a classic white girl would do, and shielded his face with his hand. He was with Josuke and Koichi, and they had their own shocked expressions when they realized he was trying not to look at you. "Wha...," you murmured. You walked up to him, and raised an eyebrow. He was still shielding his face. "Oku? Whaaaat are you doing?" you asked, trying to get him to look at you. "U-uhm, nothing," he replies, putting his hand down, but still refusing to look at you. "oOOOOOOoOoOoh. I think I know what's going on here. C'mon Koichi, let's leave these two alone~" Josuke said with a smirk, as he and Koichi walked away.

"Well that was weird," you said, turning to Okuyasu. "Yeah..," he said, still nervous. You started to grow worried. This wasn't like him. "Oku, what's wrong?" you asked. He sighed. "(Y/n), I just wanna say that i'm sorry about yesterday. Y'know... kissing you? I should've asked first instead of just doing it," he said. Your eyes widened at his consideration. You placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to stare up at you with sad eyes. "Oku.. It's okay. I actually.. kind of liked it," you said, blushing. His eyes widened. "Y-you did?" he asked. You nodded. He sighed a great sigh of relief. "Okay good! For a second there I thought you were gonna yell at me or somethin'!" he exclaimed. You chuckled.

"Hey (Y/n)..," he started. "Yeah?" you asked. He started to fidget with his hands. "I know that we haven't really gone on an official date yet but," his face turned red. "You're just so pretty, a-and you're the first person who's ever liked me back, so.." He started to sweat. "Would you.. I dunno.. Wanna be my girlfriend or somethin'?" he finally managed to ask. Your eyes opened to its full capacity, and you were lost for words. He looked away from you, afraid of what your answer might be. "Oku, I-" you were cut off by the loud, stoopid ass school bell ringing. Crowds of students started to tear the two of you apart, making you unable to find Okuyasu. 'Shit,' you thought to yourself. 

Well, you'shave to make it through the day without telling Oku your answer. 'I'll make it,'you thought to yourself.

(Hi! I'm currently having a bruh momentum just by writing this! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it's a tiny bit short! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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