Sad gorl hours

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Hey Bucci Gang. Um, I'm not gonna make a new chapter today because i'm really sad (😔😔😔😢😢😢😫😫😳😳😳😳😨😨😨😞😞😞😩😩😩😩). Uh, I kinda lost something really important to me- Well, actually, some people came to clean my house today and they mistook something of mine as fucking t r a s h. I was looking for it all over my house, and couldn't find it.

I'll tell you what I lost, but you might think it's stoopid, y'know, like everyone else did (only because of what it was). But, it was one of the most important hings I have personally ever owned. So uh, yeah.

Y'know those plastic baby things that you would find inside of a king cake or something? Well, one day, my friends and I were walking to our classes after lunch, and one of them found one of those baby things. It was just in some random spot. So, we kept walking, and I found one right next to a pole. I was like, "Oh cool. I found something weird in a weird spot." So we kept walking (again) and I found another one on a bench. This one was different. It had black marker on everything below the head. So I was like, "Even more cool. I'm gonna keep this one." So I did, I gave the one I found by the pole to one of my other friends. 

I kept the baby thingy, and I named him "Hasan" (props to anyone who gets the reference). And everyone knows that if you name something, you start to get attached to it. Well... I got attached to him. I brought him with me everywhere I went, I took him to my Thanksgiving party at my Granparents' house. I even got him his own tiny Christmas tree. I decorated it and everything. I also got a friend of mine to make him a little blanket thing, so she did. She sewed it for me, and I was very happy (y'know, cause when I found him he had no clothes 😮😮🤣🤣😖😖😖😳😳). So yeah, I was happy, and he was happy. 

So today, some people came to clean our house, because yeah, and yesterday I kept telling myself to bring Hasan to school the next day so they wouldn't throw him away. Guess what? I forgot to bring him to school with me today (🤡🤡🤡). So um, they cleaned the house. I got home, y'know, to see how much cleaner everything was, and I went to my room. His Christmas tree was there, but Hasan wasn't. I immediately started to panic. I looked all over my room, my sibling's rooms, and well, every room in the house, but he wasn't in any of them. So, I started crying. I have been crying for about a good twenty minutes (still am), and i'm really sad.

So uh, long story short. Can we please get an F in the chat for Hasan? Please and thank you.

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