Chapter 22

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

The final bell had rung. Students started to rush out of the classroom, like always. You had had three tests that day, and you knew that you probably hadn't done well on any of them, because all you could think about was Okuyasu's question. As you walked out of the school, you debated to yourself. 'He wants me to be his girlfriend?' you thought. 'I mean, that'd be nice but, there's so many things that could go wrong!' You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even notice that a few people were trying to catch up to you. "(Y/n)!" someone said. You snapped out of your thoughts, stopped walking, and turned around. It was Josuke and Okuyasu. The two of them were waving at you. You waved back weakly. They jogged up to you. "Hey (Y/n)! Wanna hang out with me and Okuyasu?" Josuke asked, grinning. You nodded. "Sure, I got nothing else to do, so I might as well," you said. "Cool, me and Okuyasu were going to go find Koichi," Josuke said. You muttered an "mhm" and waited for him to continue speaking.  

"Isn't he on a 'date' with Yukako?" Okuyasu asked. Josuke nodded. "Wait, if he's on a date, then why are trying to find him?" you asked. "Because, it's what friends do," Josuke said before continuing to walk. You and Okuyasu followed close behind him. You could tell by the look on his face that he didn't want to bring up his previous question. He cleared his throat. "So uh, how've ya been?" he asked, trying to start a conversation. "Pretty good! How about you?" you asked. "Same here," he replied. The silence that followed after was very awkward, so you decided to start a real conversation. "You wanna know what I hate?" you asked. "What?" Oku asked. "I absolutely hate it when people put milk in before cereal!" you exclaimed. You said that loud enough for Josuke to hear, so he slowed down to walk with the two of you.

"I hate that too!" Okuyasu said. "Me three! It's just s u p e r annoying!" Josuke said. You and Oku nodded in agreement. "I saw my big bro try to do that once, and I cringed so hard," Oku said. "That must've been horrible to watch," you said. He nodded. "My mom does that... I have to see that everyday of my life," Josuke said. "Horry shiet. That sucks," you said. "Yes! It does!" Josuke replied. The three of you went onto a big rant about how you hated people who always put milk before cereal (I also think it's just weird, like ew). After a little while, the three of you finally spotted Koichi with Yukako. "Ooh! Hide! In the b u s h e s!" Okuyasu said, diving into a bush. You and Josuke got into the bush with him. "Isn't this stalking or something?" you asked. "It's not considered 'stalking' unless you get caught doing it," Josuke said. "Meh. True true," you said. 

You could all overhear the conversation that Koichi was having with Yukako. "Koichi. I need you to tell me the truth," Yukako said. Josuke and Okuyasu both groaned knowing how this was going to end. You gave them a puzzled look. "What?" you asked. "This has happened before. It didn't end well," Josuke said. "Oh..," you muttered. "U-um, Yukako.. I..," Koichi said, clearly flustered. ".. Koichi! I need an answer! I've already told you this before, and I'll say it again! I am in love with you! So tell me h o w y o u f e e l!" she yelled. "Wow, she sure is.. strange," you said. "No shit Sherlock," Josuke said. You looked over at Okuyasu who was crying. You raised an eyebrow. "No girl's ever told m e that they loved me before!" he said, sobbing. You looked at him with a resting bitch face. "Excuse the f u c k out of me? Bruh, what even- Nevermind," you said. "Yeah, but you never s a i d it!" Okuyasu said. You then remembered that Josuke was there, and you looked over at him. He was snickering, trying to hold in a laugh. 

"Do not even say anything," you said, looking at Josuke. "Oh I won't. P r o m i s e," he said. He was definitely going to tell someone. You looked back to Okuyasu, the poor boy was still crying while he looked at what Yukako and Koichi were doing. He suddenly stopped crying when he saw Yukako walk away, an angry expression on her face. "Poor Koichi," he said. "He's gotta deal with someone like h e r." The three of you waited for Koichi to go away, then got out from your hiding spot in the bush. Josuke stretched. "Okay, I think i'm gonna head home," he said. "M'kay, see ya tomorrow Josuke," you said as you saw him walk away. "See ya! Bye Okuyasu!" he called out. "Bye!" Okuyasu exclaimed. 

It was just the two of you standing on the sidewalk now. You looked at Okuyasu. He looked back at you. "So, uh, I think i'll head home as well," Okuyasu said. "Wait, before you do," you said, getting closer to him. He rasied an eyebrow as you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to make his face meet yours. You gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and released his shirt collar. His eyes widened, and he was blushing like crazy. Well, so were you. "Oku, remember how you said that no girl has ever told you that they loved you?" you asked. "Y-yeah..," he replied. "Well... I wanna change that," you said. It took him a minute to process what you were saying, and when he finally understood, his eyes got even wider. "Wha-?! Y-you mean-?!"he stuttered. "Yes Oku.. I mean.. I love you," you said. At this point he just couldn't take it.

He picked you up, and spun you in circles all while saying, "Oh my god! (Y/n)! I love you too! This is the best day of my life!" The two of you laughed for some time before he finally put you down. "But wait, does this mean...?" he started. You already knew what he was going to ask. "Yes Oku, I d o wanna be your girlfriend," you said. His smile turned into probably the biggest one you've ever seen from him. "This day is e v e n better!" he exclaimed. He gave you a quick hug, then pulled you into a long kiss. This one wasn't just a way of saying "I love you", it was passionate, and sweet, and you loved every second of it. Once the two of you pulled away, he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I gotta get home to take care of my dad.. So uh, see you tomorrow?" he asked. You nodded, and placed a quick kiss on his cheek before starting your walk home. "See ya tomorrow Oku!" you called out. "Bye!" he exclaimed.

(Wow, pretty epic right? I think so. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this somewhat wholesome chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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