Chapter 18

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

This= O k u ' s thot- I mean thoughts

You jumped on your bed, shaking it as you did so. "WAKE YOUR SLEEPY BUTT UP OKUYASU!" you yelled, earning a groan from your sleepy friend. "Get your ass out of bed or else," you said as you stopped jumping on the bed. "Or else what?" he asked, his head under a pillow. "Or else i'll step on your pp," you said, wobbling towards him, because you were still on the bed. He sat up very quickly, covering his crotch area. "Y-you wouldn't! You know it's December!" he said. "Why else do you think i'm threatening to step on your pp?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. He immediately got out of the bed after you said that. "Okay, okay! I'm out of bed! See?" he said, raising his hands in the air. You got off of your bed. "Finally, now c'mon, we're going to eat breakfast," you said, going to your door and opening it. He followed you out of your room.  

"Wait, why a m I at your house?" he asked, finally realizing that he wasn't at his own house. You sighed. "You fell asleep while we were watching Spongebob, and I couldn't wake you up," you said, looking at him. His face suddenly turned red, and he started to stutter like crazy. "O-oh! Thanks f-for letting m-m-me stay here! U-uh, I gotta g-go hhhome! B-bye (Y/n)!" he said, running to the front door of your hotel room. "Wh- Okay?" you said, looking at him as he practically ran like Sonic out of the hotel room. "Was that your friend (Y/n)?" your mother asked, coming to see who had just come in or out of the place. "Yeaaaah...," you said, turning to look at your mom. "Why didn't he stay for breakfast?" she asked, walking over to you. "I don't know, he just suddenly said that he had to go," you said.

"Okay then! How about you come eat breakfast?" she said, motioning for you to come to the dining table. "Alrighty," you said, walking to the table, and sitting down. Your mother brought over a plate of waffles with some syrup in her other hand, and set them both down in front of you on the table. "Ooh! Waffles! Thanks mom!" you exclaimed, scarfing down your waffles.

~oOoOh P.O.V. cHaNgE (It's Okuyasu's)~

'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIITAKE!' Okuyasu thought to himself, as he literally ran out of the Morioh Hotel. "What the fuck am I gonna do about yesterday?" he mumbled to himself, still running. He remembered everything that he did last night. He was just tired. He always does weird shit when he's tired. He finally tired himself out after running so much, and sat on a bench. "God fucking dammit," he muttered, recalling last nights events. He had put you in his lap, and even rested his head on yours. He was glad that he had enough energy at the time to get off of you and rest on the actual bed itself. He put a hand on his forehead as he mentally scowled himself.

'She must think i'm so... weird now,' he thought. "Hey Okuyasu!" someone said. Okuyasu looked up to see that Josuke was walking towards him. He gave an awkward wave as his friend sat next to him. Josuke could obviously tell that something was wrong, because Oku wouldn't look at him. "Bro, what's wrong?" Josuke asked. "I dunno.. It's just... Last night, when before I went to bed," he started. Josuke smirked. "Oh yeaaaah. Last night. You were all over (Y/n)," Josuke said. "W-what?! I was?! I don't remember kissing her! I just remember-!" he was cut off by Josuke. "Not like that! I mean you were just being so.. romantic? Yeah, you were being romantic with her," Josuke said. "That's what's upsetting me though," Oku said, finally looking at Josuke.

"Why's that making you upset?" Josuke asked. "I mean, I guess to her, it was probably really weird, and it probably made her feel uncomfyble, and she probably h-" he was once again cut off by Josuke. This time he started laughing his (thicc) ass off. "Wh-what's so funny, Josuke?" Okuyasu asked, his face starting to get red, because he thought he had sounded stupid. "UNCOMFYBLE! HAHA! I'VE NEVER HEARD SOMEONE SAY THAT! HAHAHA!" Josuke exclaimed. Okuyasu's face got redder. "Shuddup. I just use dumb ass words like that when i'm nervous," Oku said, crossing his arms and turning away from his friend. Josuke finally calmed down, and put a hand on Okuyasu's shoulder. "Sorry! Sorry. Please, continue," Josuke said.

Okuyasu turned back to Josuke and continued. "Anyways, she probably thinks i'm the weirdest person to walk the Earth! Even worse, she might think i'm pervy!" Okuyasu said. Josuke raised an eyebrow. "Why would she think you're pervy?" he asked. "What kind of person just randomly puts their friend in their lap without any sort of explanation?!" Okuyasu asked. "A person that has a crush on that friend might do that," Josuke said, wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh no. Oh nonononononono. You might be right. S h i t," Oku said. "Why is that a bad thing?" Josuke asked. "There's no way she likes me back! I'd have to live with being friend-zoned for the rest of my life!" Okuyasu exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Well bro, you never know until you try," Josuke said, getting up from the bench. "What are you doing?" Oku  asked. "Oh nothing," Josuke started. "Just going to see how (Y/n) feels about y o u," he said. "YOU WHAT?!" Okuyasu said, getting up. Joksuke laughed, and started to run to your hotel. "OI! JOSUKE! STOP!" Okuyasu exclaimed, trying to catch up to Josuke. He wasn't successful, so he stopped running, once again, out of breath. "Dammit," he said, panting...

~Back to your P.O.V~

Ding dong! Your head perked up from where you were sitting on your bed. "We have a doorbell?" you said to yourself, getting up from your bed. You opened the door to your room, and headed for the front door. 'Did Oku forget something?' you thought. You opened the front door. "Hello?" you asked. "Hey (Y/n)!" Josuke said, waving to you. "Oh, hey Josuke. Whaaaat are you doing here?" you asked. "We need to talk," he said, walking past you and into your room. "Okay?" you said, walking to your room. You walked in and saw him sitting on your bed. You sat next to him. "What do we need to talk about?" you asked.

"Okuyasu," he said. "We need to talk about Okuyasu."

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