Chapter 11

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

"Okay students! Don't forget to do page 41 of your homewo-." Your teacher didn't even finish her sentence before the bell rang, and everyone got up quickly, running out of the room. You just gathered your things peacefully, and walked out of the room, seeing that there was no reason to rush. You kept walking until you got to the front gates of the school. It was when you saw them, that you actually found a reason to run. You couldn't wait to get out of there. You ran full speed, not even stopping to think about the people around you; which is something you should have done, because you ran right into someone. 

"O-ow..." you said, looking at the person, who had also fallen on the ground. You got up to help them. "O-oh shit. I u-um! A-are you o-okay sir?!" you asked, helping the person up. "Yare yare daze," he said, then just simply walked away. You studied him as he did so. He was wearing pretty much all white. But his hat... Why did it look like his hat was part of his hair?! You didn't stop looking at his head, in fact, you probably looked at it for so long, that it might've been the reason you attracted his attention once more. "Don't you have somewhere to be? Stop looking at me and go home!" he exclaimed. He lowered his hat, and continued to walk away. You stared at him in shock. 'Geez, no need to lash out on me bud,' you thought.

~Timeskip because... yeah~

You got home and put your things down, being pretty exhausted. "(Y/n)!" you mother exclaimed as she saw you come inside. She went up to you and gave you a big hug. "How was your first day sweetie?" she asked. You simply shrugged. "Meh, it could've been better." Your mother frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that. But, did you make any new friends?" she asked, clearly hoping that you would say yes. You nodded. "I even got to see an old friend!" you said, smiling. She raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Who was it?" she asked. "Do you remember my friend Okuyasu?" you asked. She gasped, then smiled. "You saw him again?! That's amazing!" she said, hugging you again. You let out a quiet chuckle as she hugged you, because you thought her reaction was kind of funny. "Yep. I saw him again. He even introduced me to some of his friends," you said. 

"That's still so great!" she exclaimed. "Anywho, I have to go make dinner. Your father'll be home a little late tonight," your mother said. "Alrighty," you replied, and headed to your room. You started on your boring homework, wondering if maybe you and Okuyasu might be able to start walking to school together. It's only been a few days since you saw him again, but you're already starting to feel weird around him. Your heart rate seemed as if it went up, your hands became only slightly sweaty, and a light blush would always cross your face when you saw his smile, or heard his laugh.

You finished your homework thinking, 'Do I seriously have a crush on my best friend?'

(I feel like I say this a lot, but, sorry for not uploading recently. I'm still trying to see if I should keep updating this story. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next time! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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