Chapter 9

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

The next person who stopped you didn't look too nice. At all. They basically loomed over you, because, well, you weren't exactly the tallest person on the planet. You looked up at them, both eyebrows raised. "Hi there," they said. You gulped. You could automatically tell that this person was bad news (I know, classic damsel in distress cliche). "U-uh... Hi?" you replied, your worry continuing to grow. "What'ya doing out here, eh?" he asked, circling you. You began to sweat as you thought of ways to get out of the situation you were in. "Going to school, idiot." You had meant to say those words in your head, but they just slipped out. His expression instantly went from amused to angry. "What did you just say, bitch?!" he yelled as he raised his hand up in the air. 'Shit, shit, shit,' you thought. You braced yourself for what was about to happen. "OI!" yelled a voice from across the street. You looked over to see that it was Okuyasu, showing obvious anger towards what he was seeing. "O-oku...yasu," you whispered to yourself, glad that he showed up when he did. 

The guy who was about to bitch slap you turned his attention to Okuyasu. "The fucc you want?" he asked, still angry with you. Okuyasu then made his way across the street and over to the two of you. "What the actual hell do you think you're doing bro?!" he yelled, never taking his eyes off the guy once. The guy only raised an eyebrow and smirked. "What's it to you? You gonna beat me up or something?" he asked, obviously amused. Okuyasu only got angrier, but managed to keep a calm expression. "I don't know, it depends on what you're doing." The guy motioned towards you as he said, "This son of a bitch thought it'd be a great idea to call me an idiot when all I did was ask a question. I can't just let that slide." You looked to the ground in embarrassment. You really wished that none of this had happened, that you were already at school. Okuyasu looked at you. "You can't hit girls. Especially this one," he said. "Oh? And why is this one so special, huh?" the guy asked, still smirking. Even you yourself had started to question why you were so special. "It's pretty obvious. It's because she's my friend," Okuyasu said. You blushed slightly. 'His friends must be pretty important to him huh?' you asked yourself. You then snapped out of your thoughts, only to realize that you somehow ended up behind Okuyasu. 

"How..." you began to say, but didn't know how to finish the sentence. Your eyes probably got as wide as a cartoon character's when you saw that Okuyasu had basically teleported the other guy right in front of him. The other guy's eyes got wide too, but Okuyasu smirked, as he put his right hand into a fist. He then punched the guy with what looked like 5 times the strength of a normal human being, and the guy fell to the ground. "M-my face! What the hell did you do to my face?!" the guy asked, holding his nose. "I gave it an up-grade," Okuyasu said, turning to you. You just kept staring at the other guy, his face completely beat up with only one blow. You looked up at Okuyasu as he held out his hand to help you off the ground (did I mention you fell on the ground?). You put your shaky hand in his as he pulled you up. "Th-thanks Oku.." you said, still blushing just a bit. 

He chuckled. "No problem!" Your heart fluttered at the sound of his small laugh. Why did it make you feel so weird? Why was your face heating up more? "So.. Should we start going to school or what?" he asked, snapping you out of your daze. You nodded, and both of you then headed to school. "Oh! I forgot to tell you!" you said, remembering that Josuke guy from earlier. "Hm?" he mumbled as he raised an eyebrow. "Someone wanted me to tell you that they had to talk to you about something. Said his name was 'Josuke' or something," you said. His facial expression returned to normal. "Oh. Did he say what he wanted to talk about?" he asked. "No," you replied. "Well, okay. I'll ask him about it at lunch... OH! By the way.." he started. "Yeah?" you asked. "If you're not already planning to sit with someone at lunch, I was wondering if you'd want to sit with us?" he looked at you as he said this.

"Sure," you said, smiling.

(Ahaha, ay. Back at it again with another chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Welp, goodnight bruh, i'll see you tomorrow. Byeeeeeeeeee!)

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