Chapter 23

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

(Get ready for some b i z a r r e vibes)

You gave your mother a goodbye kiss, and walked out the apartment. You decided that today, you would try some of the breakfast the hotel had in the lobby, since you had a lot of time to spare. You walked into the lobby, where you saw a few people here and there, getting themselves their own breakfast. You looked around to find where you would sit, and weren't very lucky in finding an open table. As you continued to scan the place, you spotted Jotaro sitting at a table by himself, reading a book about what seemed to be Dolphins. You hesitated before finally walking over to him. As you stopped at his table, he looked up and saw you. He sighed. 

"Can I help you?" he asked. It took you a moment before you found the courage to speak to him. "U-um, I was wondering, since there aren't anymore seats, if I could sit with you?" you asked, hoping that he would at least consider it. "I guess so," he replied. You smiled. "Thank you!" you said. "Good grief, don't make me change my mind," he said (yes, I know I used "yare yare" before). "S-sorry!" you said, then walked silently to go get your breakfast. You walked over to the are where people were getting their breakfast, and you found a waffle maker. You walked over to it, and looked at it. "I haven't used one of these in a long time," you muttered to yourself. You put some of the batter into the waffle maker, and closed it. After a minute or so, the waffle maker dinged, and you took out the waffle. You grabbed a plate and put the waffle on it. You didn't want,your waffle to just be some plain old waffle, so you walked over to where the toppings for everything were. You grabbed some whipped cream, and put the perfect amount of it on your plate. Then you found that they had some cherries, so you put two on your plate, when you only meant to have one.

After you were done preparing your breakfast, you walked back to sit with Jotaro. You took the seat across from him, and started eating. After you were done with your second bite, Jotaro started to talk to you. "Why do you have two cherries?" he asked. You looked at your plate, and realized that you had gotten two cherries. "Oh man! I only meant to get one!" you said."Well, if you don't want the other one, can I have it?" he asked. You raised an eyebrow. "Sure.. but why?" you asked, mentally scolding yourself for asking such a question. He lowered the tip of his hat, which shadowed his face. "I.. I like cherries," he said (haha, be sad). "Okay then," you said, giving him your extra cherry. "Thanks," he said, then ate the cherry. You didn't speak to him the rest of the time you ate your breakfast. After you were done, you gathered your things. "Well, I gotta get to school now," you said, getting up. "Bye," you said. "Bye," he replied. You threw away your breakfast, and walked started your walk to school. 

As usual, you were looking at your surroundings to keep yourself occupied as you went to school. "(Y/n)!" you heard someone call from behind you. You stopped and turned around, seeing that Koichi was trying to catch up to you. You waited until he was beside you, and kept walking to school. "Hey Koichi," you said. "H-hi," he said. "So, what have you been up to lately?" you asked. "Ah, nothing much. But uh- Hey, Josuke told me that you're dating Okuyasu now; Is that true?" he asked, looking at you. Your cheeks flushed a bit. "H-he told you that?" you asked. Koichi nodded. "Well, I guess that i s true. But what about you and Yukako girl?" you asked, wiggling your eyebrows. Koichi blushed. "W-we're not dating or anything! It's actually.. kinda complicated," he said. "How so?" you asked. "Well, one minute she says she loves me, then the next minute she says that she hates me," he said. "Oh.. she's one of t h o s e girls," you said. Koichi raised an eyebrow. "What does that mean?" he asked. "Well, it basically means that she's kinda like an 'on and off' sort of person. Like you said, one minute she loves you, then the next she thinks you're the devil or something," you told him. He nodded to show that he understood. 

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