Chapter 25

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

"(Y/n)?!"... "(Y/N)?!" Someone was calling your name. You didn't know who, and you wanted to respond, but you couldn't. You didn't know where you were either. The last place you remember being in was that Kosaku guy's house, and you're pretty sure that he did, if not, almost killed you. The place you were in right now felt nice, warm, soft, and comfortable. You slowly opened your eyes to see that you were in a room. Not only that, but there were a lot of people around you. It looked as if one of them was crying. As your vision started to clear up, you saw that the people were Josuke, Koichi, Jotaro, your mom, Josuke's mom, and Okuyasu. "Where.. am.. I?" you asked slowly, still trying to regain all of your strength. 

Okuyasu's eyes lit up as he heard you speak. He reached down and engulfed you in a big hug, and everyone else let out sighs of relief. Okuyasu was crying into your shoulder, and your mom was patting his shoulder, trying to get him to calm down. He just kept on sobbing, even when he pulled away from the hug. Your mom finally spoke up. "(Y/n), we're all so glad that you're okay! We were worried that you... might not wake up," she said, looking at the ground as she said the last bit. You raised one of your eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?" you asked, sitting up. "Well," Koichi started, "We found you in an alley way, just... laying there, and you weren't waking up no matter what we did," he said. You're expression turned sad. "Oh god.. I must've put you guys through a lot of trouble, huh?" you said, letting out a nervous chuckle. "No! No! It wasn't any trouble at all!" Josuke's mom said.

"Oh.. Well, I still would like to know where I am," you said, looking at your surroundings. "Oh! You're at m y house!" Josuke said, pointing to himself. You heard Jotaro sigh as he tipped his hat down. "Let's not worry about any of that, please. The important thing is that we need to know what happened to you," Jotaro said. Your eyes got wide and tears started to well up in your eyes as you remembered what happened yesterday, or today, whenever it happened. "Hey! (Y/n) are you okay?" Okuyasu asked, rubbing your shoulder. You snapped out of your thoughts. "Y-yeah, i'm fine..," you said, blinking back your tears. "Well can you tell us what happened?" he asked, his hand still on your shoulder. You nodded. 

"Well, there was this guy.. And, he asked me if I could help him with something.. I said 'sure', and he took me to his house, and-" you were cut off by your mother yelling, "OH MY GOD! (Y/N) HE DIDN'T TRY TO RAPE YOU DID HE?! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" You blinked a couple of times before cringing at your mother's words. "What?! No! He didn't try to r a p e me! Gross!" you said. Everyone else was also cringing at your mom's words, which sort of embarrassed you. You cleared your throat before continuing. "Anyways, he took me to his house, and well, he sat me down... and he asked me about y o u guys," you said. "What does that mean?" Jotaro asked, suddenly becoming more serious than usual. "Well, he asked me if I knew Josuke, Koichi, Jotaro, and Okuyasu.. and well, I wasn't exactly being smart at the time, so I said 'yes,'" you said, fumbling with your hands. You could tell that Jotaro was so close to face palming, but he just groaned instead. 

"(Y/n), what did he look like? Was his hair blonde?" Josuke asked. You shook your head "no". "His hair was kind of a light gray, and uh it had dark gray streaks in it.. He was also wearing a uh, purple suit thingy, with a weird looking tie," you said. Josuke let out an irritated sigh. "Okay, well.. Was there anything weird or off about him?" Josuke asked. You nodded vigorously. "Definitely. He kept talking about hands, and how he was in love with them.. And there was also some invisible thingy that brought a cooking pan to him!" you exclaimed. The two mothers in the room looked at you as if you were crazy, while the men in the room had gone wide eyed. "An invisible thing....," Okuyasu mumbled. "A Stand," all the men said at once. You groaned. "What is a Stand?! I keep hearing about it, but I have n o idea what it actually is!" you said, throwing your arms in the air. Jotaro sighed. "You d o n ' t need to worry about it," he said. 

"Guys, I think we should go look for this guy," Okuyasu said. "Yeah, no shit Sherlock!" Josuke said. Koichi sighed. "C'mon, let's go," he said. "Wait. (Y/n), do you know this guy's name?" Josuke asked. You nodded. "I'm pretty sure he said his name was 'Kosaku,'" you said. Josuke nodded, and the boys started to head out of the room (haha, t h e b o y s a r e h e a d i n g o u t). "Oh wait! One more thing," Okuyasu said, walking over to you. He leaned down and whispered into your ear, "Love you babe," and kissed you on the cheek. He smiled and waved goodbye before heading out of the room with the rest of the guys. You blushed, and touched the spot where your boyfriend had kissed you. You had completely forgotten that your mom was in the room.

You cringed as you heard her clear her throat. You slowly turned to face her, seeing that her arms were crossed, and her foot was tapping the floor. "So (Y/n).. Do you wanna explain to me why you never thought to tell me that you have a boyfriend?" she asked, waiting for a reply. You looked over to see that Josuke's mom was watching the two of you intently, waiting for things to continue. "Well, uh..," you started. "It's kind of a long story," you said. "Alright, I wanna hear it then," your mom said. You sighed. "Okay, well to make a long story short.. We only found out that we liked each other because of Josuke, and then we went out.. and kissed," you said shyly. Your mother's eyes widened. She then got the biggest smile on her face. "(Y/n)! Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she asked. Well, this definitely wasn't the response you were expecting from her. "My son helped you find this out?" Josuke's mom asked, joining in on the conversation. You nodded. "Oh, that's so sweet of him," she said.

"Okay, we're going to leave you alone so you can rest now. Bye (Y/n)!" you mom said as she and Josuke's mom left the room. "Bye..," you said, laying back down. You yawned, you really were tired. You slowly drifted to sleep, wondering what Oku and the others were doing at the moment. 

(Sorry if this chapter sucks, i'm sick af right now, and I don't know what i'm doing. Anywho, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, if it didn't suck! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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