Chapter 20

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

"(Y/n)... I.. I like you too," he said.

You froze. 'What? What the actual ding dang darn fucking hell did he just say?' you thought to yourself. You slowly lifted your head from your pillow. You body shook as you turned to face Okuyasu. "W-what?" you asked. He smiled, a bright red blush on his face. "Y-yeah.. I like you (Y/n).. I've kinda been wanting to tell you that for a bit," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. You sat up completely, looking at Okuyasu with a serious face. "You're not... lying are you?" you asked, pointing at him. His eyes widened, and he kept shaking his arms back and forth, making an "x" motion with them (I don't know how else to explain it). "No! I-I'm not lying! Why would I lie about something like t h a t?!" he exclaimed, defending himself. "Okay, okay! Chillax bro, I believe you," you said, your face turning red. He stared at you for a minute.

"So..," he started. You raised an eyebrow. "What the hell we gon' do, now?" he asked (I'm sorry, I had to!). "Uhm.. I don't know..," you said. There was a long silence between the two of you. You took this time to study his face. 'Why does he have those line thingies on his face?' you thought to yourself. Besides that, you looked at how red his face was, which was almost as red as yours. His eyes were dilated, as if he might've done something wrong by confessing to you. His hand was still on the back of his neck. Overall, you thought he just looked simply adorable. This made your face even redder.

"(Y/n)? Is something wrong? Do I have something on my face?" he asked, wiping every spot on his face to make sure he got whatever was on his face, even though there wasn't anything there. You realized that you were probably staring for too ling, so you looked at the floor. "N-no, there's nothing on your face," you said. "Oh! Okay then," he said, getting up from your bed. You raised an eyebrow. "Where're you going?" you asked. "I don't know. Where do you wanna go?" he asked. You squinted, confused. You saw that he was still kinda nervous. 'Is this his way of trying to ask me out?' you thought. "Well..," you started. "Y-yeah?" he asked. "Can we go to the ice cream store?" you asked. "S-sure! If that's where you'd like to go," he said. "Then let's go!" you said, getting out of your bed and running out of your room. You ran out of the apartment (or maybe I should call it a condo), forgetting to even tell your mom that you were going, and he quickly followed you out. 

You ran out of the hotel, and kept running until you got to a stop sign at the end of the street. You caught your breath as you waited for him to catch up. It didn't take long, in fact, he was there probably two seconds after you stopped (because he's faster than Sonic). He was panting, trying to catch his breath. "Geez (Y/n), you never told me we had to run," he said, panting. You chuckled. "C'mon, let's go before they run out of all the good flavors," you said, continuing your walk. The two of you walked to the ice cream store, and found a table outside. "Alright, you wait here, and i'll get the ice cream," he said. "What flavor do you want?" he asked. "Ooh! Get me cookie monster!" you said, clapping your hands together (if you don't like cookie monster, then you're not even human). "Okay! Stay here," he said, walking inside. You sat down and looked around while you waited. 

You saw people walking down the sidewalks chatting with each other, and birds trying to steal food from people. You kept looking around until you noticed something very weird. There was a man, and he wouldn't stop staring at you. You tried to make it look like you didn't notice this by looking in other directions. He wouldn't stop staring. The man was wearing a purple and white striped shirt, with a white overcoat, some white pants, and a tie with some weird pattern on it. His hair was a light gray, with a few dark grey streaks. It actually seemed as if he was staring at your hands. You moved them while looking in a different to make it look like you didn't do it to get him to stop looking at you. From the corner of your eye you could see him look up at you. You gulped internally as you saw that he was making his way towards you. 

He was getting closer to you, when Okuyasu came out of the store, holding two ice cream cones. You mentally sighed a sigh of relief as you saw that weird guy walk away at the sight of Okuyasu. "(Y/n), is something the matter?" he asked, seeing that you had a weird look on your face. You snapped out of your thoughts, and looked at Okuyasu. "Nope! I'm good! now can I have my ice cream?" you asked, motioning towards your cone. "Oh, yeah! Here you go," he said, handing the ice cream to you. You took it and started to eat it, making sure none of it got on you (I would make a joke out of that sentence but- yeah). After the two of you were done with your ice cream, you looked at a nearby clock to see what time it was. "Shit, I gotta get home Oku, my mom'll kill me if I don't get home in the next fifteen minutes," you said, looking at Okuyasu. He gave you a warm smile. "That's okay. Do you want me to walk you home?" he asked as the two of you got up. "No, it's fine," you said as you started to head home. "Bye Ok-" "(Y/n) wait," he cut you off. You turned around to face him, confused. "Yeah?" you asked. His face was pretty red, and were getting worried. "Um, I just, uh," he stuttered, getting closer to you. "You okay, Oku?" you asked. He was pretty close to you, but you didn't notice it. 

"Here goes nothin'," he muttered. "Wh-" you were cut off by something warm hitting your lips. It was Okuyasu's lips. Your eyes went wide as he kissed you. You didn't know what to do, so you just stood there. He pulled away because you weren't reacting, probably thinking that what he did was a bad idea. "S-sorry.. Uh.. I'll see ya later (Y/n)!" he exclaimed as he ran away. You were still standing there when he ran away, speechless from what had just happened. You brought a hand to your lips, touching them. Then, you smiled. You had suddenly become so overjoyed that you were bouncing up and down. "Oh my god! Oh my fucking god! He kissed me! He actually kissed me!" you exclaimed, not even caring who heard you. 

You ran home, and ate dinner pretty quickly. You went into your room, and hid your face in your pillow. Your face was red, and you were acting like one of those girls from the movies after they had just gotten asked out or something. After you had calmed down, you tried to sleep. You weren't very successful though, because you kept thinking about what Okuyasu did. You eventually fell asleep though, having pleasant dreams that night.

(Reeeeeeeeee! Sorry for not uploading yesterday, i'm still trying to get over the whole Hasan thing 😔. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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