Chapter 16

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

You were eating breakfast in the kitchen, still feeling tired from yesterday's events. You yawned, eating your Froot Loops (Idfc if you don't like froot loops, just pretend you do). Your mother cleaned up your bowl after you were done, and you headed back to your room to just go back to sleep. "Where do you think you're going young lady?" your mom asked, pulling you back into the living room. You groaned as she sat you down on a couch. "What's got you so tired today, (Y/n)?" she asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. "It's nothing, I just had a long day yesterday, so i'm still tired," you said, yawning again. She sighed. "Well i'm sorry to say this, but I need you to go to the store for me and get some groceries," she said, returning to the kitchen to go grab a list. You groaned loudly, putting your hands on your face. 

"What do I need to get?" you asked, getting up from your spot on the couch. She walked over to you, and handed you the list. "I need for you to go get these things for me please," she said, pointing at the list. You sighed. "Alright," you said, walking to your room to put on some clothes. After you were done getting dressed, you told your mom that you were leaving, and headed out (see what I did there? No? Okay). You walked to the store, and picked up a basket to put all of the items in. "Let's see.. What's first?.. Pasta," you read the list aloud to yourself. "Where would that be?" you asked yourself as you started to roam each isle. You finally found where all the pasta was, and you picked up some spaghetti pasta since you guessed that was what your mom would be making. "Alright, what's next?... Tomatoes," you said to yourself, going to the fruit section of the store, since you had a big enough brain to know that tomatoes are in fact, fruits. You picked up a few, and continued reading the list.

After you were finally done shopping, you left the store with your bags, and started your way home. You were still walking when, oh no! Someone accidentally rammed into you while you were trying to get home. Items went flying everywhere. You fell on your butt, and let out a groan of pain. The person didn't even say anything, or acknowledge that you existed, because they just walked away. "Fuck you...," you cursed under your breath. Luckily, a lady walked over and helped you. "Oh dear! Are you hurt, dear reader?" the lady asked. "N-no, i'm f- Wait what?" you asked, not knowing who this "dear reader" was. "Uhh, let me help you up! You're lucky nothing was ruined! That oompa-loompa-lookin, pickle chinned boy probably could've done some real damage to your stuff!" the lady said. You gave her a confused look. "Thanks?" you said, letting the lady help you up. 

After you and the lady got all your stuff together, the lady left, without saying goodbye (What? You're crazy if you think that lady was me- like- norm...). You raised an eyebrow, looking at the lady, then shrugged. You continued to walk back home, pretending as if nothing had even happened. You finally got back to the hotel, and carried your groceries up to your hotel room. "Mom! I'm home!" you said, shutting the door behind yourself. "Oh (Y/n)! Glad your back!" she said. "Did you get everything on the list?" she asked, pointing to the bags in your hands. "Yep! I got everything you needed," you said, deciding not to bring up the whole thing about you dropping everything, and that.. weird lady. "Good! We need to get dinner ready real quick!" she said. You raised an eyebrow. 

"Why?" you asked, setting everything on the kitchen counter. "Well, do you remember the other day when your friends came over to pick you up for something?" she asked, turning to you. "Yeah?" you said, listening closely to what she had to say. "I had the chance to strike up a conversation with a few of them, and I finally asked if they might have wanted to bring their families over so we could get to know each other better!" she said, clapping her hands together. 'Why the actual fuck would you do that?!' you thought in your head. "Luckily, they said yes! So they're all coming over tonight!" she said. "W-well, who's c-coming over?" you asked. "Uh, you're friends Okuyasu, uhm... Josuke.. and uh, Koichi, I think it was?" she said, thinking out loud. You sighed, half groaning at the same time. "Okay.. Let's just start making everything then," you said, taking everything out of the bags.

"That's the spirit!" your mom said, ruffling your hair. The two of you got everything ready, and made a very nice dinner of spaghetti, grilled chicken, and even some shrimp. 'So that's why she wanted all this stuff,' you thought to yourself. The two of you were proud of yourselves when you saw the finished product. Everything actually looked better than you expected it to. You just hoped that it would taste good. You went into your room to go change, and watched TV to kill time.


There was a knock on the door, and you got up from your bed, and walked over to the door of your hotel room. You opened it to see Okuyasu by himself (😔), Josuke with his mom, and Koichi with his mom and sister. "Oh! Hey guys! Come in!" you said, stepping aside to let them in. They all said hi on their way in, and the three boys stayed behind to talk with you and one another. You put a hand on your head. "Sorry about my mom.. Y'know for asking you guys to come over. She's just like that," you said. Okuyasu laughed, causing you to blush slightly. "Don't worry about it! I bet they were just as excited as I was!" Okuyasu said, pulling you into a tight hug. Josuke and Koichi snickered. "O-Oku.. I... can't.. b-breathe," you said. He finally put you down. "Well, what are we gonna do now?" Josuke asked, looking around.

"Uhh, we can watch TV in my room?" you suggested. Koichi nodded, and so did Josuke. "Sounds good to me!" Okuyasu said. "But uh, which one's your room?" he asked, looking around. You pointed to the first room on the left, and the three boys all walked in there. "What do ya'll wanna watch?" you asked, grabbing the TV remote. "Ooh! Can we watch Spongebob?!" Josuke asked. "Yeah, Spongebob sounds good!" Koichi said. "Alright, Spongebob it is!" you said, putting the show. Josuke and Koichi sat on your extra bed, and you and Okuyasu sat on the one that you used. You didn't realize it, but Okuyasu put his arm around you as you were watching the show.

(Yes, Spongebob is bae, I know. But uh, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next time! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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