Chapter 7

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

 It was him. You couldn't help but stare. You were thinking that your mind was just playing tricks on you but, it all seemed too real. You snapped out of your thoughts as the employee said your ice cream was ready. You rushed over to get it. "O-oh! Um, thank you!" you said, kind of embarrassed. They smiled back at you, and went back to taking everyone else's order. You watched him as he ordered his own cone. 'This isn't weird, right?' you asked yourself, clearly knowing the answer. You suggested that he caught you staring, because as he was waiting for his cone to be made, he turned around and said, "Uh.. Can I help you?" You blushed and looked down, now realizing how long you'd actually been staring. 'He doesn't know that it's me', you thought, kind of sad about this. He raised an eyebrow towards you as he was handed his cone. You were pretty suprised when he came and sat down at your table. "Hey person! Do you need help with anything?" he said cheerfully. "N-no," you replied. C'mon! He has to realize soon or i'll see him again! "Well, i'm Okuyasu!" he said, holding out his hand. "I know," you said under your breath, shaking his hand sort of shyly. "Uhm... I'm.." you started. He patiently waited for you to finish. "I'm (Y'n)!" trying to return his enthusiasm. He raised his eyebrows, then furrowed them. "That name sounds so familiar! I know I've heard it somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it," he said, scratching the top of his head. You decided to pretend to not know anything either. "Wait, so your name's Okuyasu? I think I've heard that name somewhere too!" you said. "I think I had a friend with your name," you said, looking at him. It was at those words, that his eyes became wide. He gasped.

 "Y-you're her! I used to know you! Do you remember me?! We used to be best friends or something!" he exclaimed. You acted as if you had just remembered at that very moment, just for fun. "Wait a minute... Yeah! I remember you! Oh my gosh! It's been so long!" you said happily. He came around to your side of the table, and pulled you into a pretty tight hug. You tried to say that you couldn't breathe, but you weren't even able to speak. You assumed that he noticed your struggling, because he let go and looked down at you. "Man, I can't believe I met you here! I can't even believe that I'm actually seeing you right now!" he said, with his hands on his hips. To be honest, you really couldn't believe that any of this was happening either. "Well, since we've finally met again, maybe we can catch up or something?" you suggested. He nodded, and sat back down. You followed his movements.

"So, what's been going on with you? Y'know, what was it like to live in 'America'?" he asked, putting some emphasis on 'America'. "Well... It wasn't t o o bad," you said. "Really? What was it like? What kind of things did you do? What did you eat? Was there anything fun to do?" he kept bombarding you with questions, so you decided you's just tell him the whole story of your life in the U.S.A. You went on explaining what everything looked like, how you could always smell the scent of some sort of fast food restaurant no matter where you were, the "friends" you had, your school life, and basically everything that had happened during your time there. He'd nod and make comments like, "That's so cool!" or, "Really?" or even, "I didn't even know that existed."  By the time you both finished your ice cream, you felt like talking to him even more about stuff. You hoped he wouldn't leave just because he finished his ice cream. "Do you wanna go walk around town (Y/n)?" he asked, pointing towards the door of the ice cream shop. "Sure," you said, getting up.

You both went outside, and started to walk down the sidewalk, both of you not really knowing where you were going. "So, are going to go to school here?" he asked, trying to start a conversation. "Yeah. I'm starting next week," you replied. "Cool! What school are you going to?" he said. "I'm going to a place called 'Budo-ga Oka High'. Have you ever heard of it?" you asked. He gasped. "That's where I go to school! Maybe we'll see each other!" he exclaimed. You smiled at his excited words. You thought the way he acted was kind of.... cute. But not in that kind of way... you hoped. "Yeah, maybe we will," you said. "Anyways," he started, "I've got to get home so my dad doesn't get into trouble." You felt a bit sad at this. But why? You didn't know. Maybe it was because you were so excited to see him again, so you didn't want to leave. "Okay. Well it was great seeing you again! I'll see you at school Oku!" you said. And with that, you waved as you headed home. Oku. That was the special nickname you had given him all those years ago. You would always call him that, and you'd see a light blush on his cheeks. He always looked so cute when that happened... 'Wait what? No! Stop it (Y/n)!'

You got home that night, and after eating dinner, you went straight to bed. You were pretty exhausted. You feel asleep thinking,

'I'm more excited than ever to start school... Weird.'

(Aaaaaah! Sorry for not uploading on Tuesday! I was suffering from writer's block. Anyways, I hope you at least enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you next time! Byeeeeeeeeee!)

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