Special Chapter

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(It's Christmas, so.. yeah. Not an official chapter, but, just a little something special. Also, not gonna worry about the whole marking which words are which thing, so pretend that everyone is speaking Japanese.)

"(Y/n)! Come on it's time to take the picture!" Okuyasu said, pulling you away from a group of people you were talking to. It was a school dance thingy, and you and the rest of your gang all decided to go. Everyone had started to get in line to take pictures in a photo booth, so they could have some memories of this night. You ran with Okuyasu into the photo booth, seeing that Josuke and Koichi were already in there, waiting for the two of you.

"Hurry up! It's about to start taking pictures!" Josuke said as the two of you got into place. Okuyasu stood next to you as he put an arm around you, which made you blush just a tiny bit. "Okay everyone! Smile!" Koichi said, the countdown on the screen in front of you starting. 3...2...1. Everyone was smiling, looking as happy as ever as the camera flashed, taking the photo. "Okay! Now a silly one!" Okuyasu said, causing everyone including you to make a stupid face. 3...2...1. The camera flashed again, and the picture was taken. "Alright, now we have to do a super serious one," you said. Everyone immediately put their hands at their sides, and made a straight face. 3...2...1. You saw the same flash as before, the picture being taken.

"Alright, last one! Everyone strike a pose!" Josuke said. Everyone (in your opinion) seemed to be taking the posing thing a bit too seriously. Everyone was doing really cool poses, and you just did some jazz hands. 3...2......1. Right before the camera flashed, Okuyasu leaned in and gave you a kiss on the lips, and that was the picture. The other two boys were "ooh-ing" at the two of you. You blushed, telling everyone to stop making those noises. Koichi and Josuke started laughing at your embarrassment, while Okuyasu just smiled. 

"S-sorry.. I just wanted to have that memory, y'know?" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. You smiled, hugging Oku. "I guess that'll be something to remember..," you said, pulling away from the hug. He chuckled. "Yeah, I guess it is," he said, kissing your cheek. Soon after, everyone filed out of the photo booth, and went to go retrieve the photos. "How many copies do you guys need?" someone asked. "Uh.. One, two three.. Four! We need four copies please!" Josuke said. The person nodded, and handed each of you a copy of the photos. 

You looked at the last one, smiling. "I'm definitely gonna remember this night," you said, putting the photos into your pocket. The rest of the night was a blast for everyone. The four of you were dancing, eating, drinking soda, making each other laugh, and even singing some of the songs that came up, which earned each of you a couple of looks from other people. None of you cared though. You were just there to have fun, and nothing else. 

Soon though, the night had ended, and it was time for everyone to go home. Your group walked out of the school, and wished each other a merry Christmas before parting ways. "Merry Christmas (Y/n)," Okuyasu said, kissing the top of your head. You chuckled. "Merry Christmas Okuysau," you sad, hugging him. "Aha, I-I have to go now," he said, pulling away from the hug. You nodded. "Alrighty then, see ya soon, i d i o t," you said playfully. He gasped dramatically before pretending to die. "I... My heart. Augh! I'm not gonna make it!" he said, "dying". You laughed as you poked at him to get up, which he did.

"Okay okay. See you next ye-" "Do me a favor, shut the fuck up," you interrupted him (don't worry, I was only referencing a meme). He blinked a couple of times before saying, "Heh! You find that annoying, don't you?" You nodded. "Of course I find that annoying. The jokes not even funny. 'Oh, see you next year!' 'Oh, I can't believe I haven't seen you for an entire year!'" you intimidated, making some hand motions as well. Okuyasu laughed at your anger. "Alright then, I won't do it again," he said, patting your head. You sighed. "Thank you," you said. 

"No problem. See you around, (Y/n)," Okuyasu said before heading to his house. "Bye," you said, going to your own "house". As you were walking home, instead of looking at the scenery, you pulled out the photos you took with your friends, and studied them. Everyone looked as if they were all so happy to be with each other, and it made your heart feel warm (heartburn????). You smiled as you looked at the picture of Okuyasu kissing you. You chuckled quietly to yourself as you thought of all the things that you've done together, both when you were young, and to this day. 

How the two of you would like to secretly spend Christmas together in his old tree house, how the two of you would always try to stay awake long enough to see Santa. Another thing was how no matter what the two of you got for Christmas, the two of you would always trade something you had gotten in exchange for one of the other's presents. It was the best of times. The two of you liked to watch all kinds of movies at night together, like A Christmas Carol, Home Alone, A Christmas Story... And you'd always watch Home Alone 3 just so you could comment on how horrible the movie was. 

You looked up to realize that you had finally reached your hotel. You put the photos back into your pocket, and walked into the building. You hummed a tune to yourself, since no one else was in the lobby, and walked into the elevator. You got up to your floor, stepped out of the elevator, and walked to your condo. You knocked on the door since you didn't have a key with you at the time, and your mother opened the door for you. 

"Ah, (Y/n) you're back! How was it?" she asked, giving you a quick hug. "I-it was really fun, actually! We did a lot of fun things!" you said. "Oh really? Did you get under the mistletoe with your boyfrieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend?" she asked, smirking. You blushed. "N-no! That didn't happen," you said, crossing your arms. "Alright, alright. Now.. Go to bed, you need some rest," your mother said, patting your shoulder before walking away. You nodded, and went into your bedroom. 

You quickly changed into your pajamas, and climbed into bed. You had pleasant dreams about eating ice cream for dinner tomorrow, and smiled as you slept.

(Awhaha, ah that's hot.. that's- it's not 2018 anymore dammit, the decade's almost over. Uh, but, yeah, hope ya'll liked this little.. chapter thing that I made. Sorry if it seems lazy, it's Christmas, and i'm tired. But.. yeah. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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