Chapter 10

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This/ This/ And this = Plain old Engrish (duh)

This = Japanese

The downside of your day. Gym. It didn't matter to you that this was your first day, you hated it it nonetheless. You had the look of pure boredom on your face as you sat on the bleachers outside, waiting for your gym teacher to give you instructions on what to do. When the teacher did finally give your class instructions, you were even more upset. You had to play knockout in basketball. The teacher split your class into two halves, giving each person a random number. As the game went on, the teacher would call out numbers, and the people with those numbers would go onto the court and try to make the ball into he other side's hoop. All you did was stand there, hoping that you would have to change back into your uniform before the teacher called your number.

"14, 8, 7, 16, 3, 11, 10, and 12!" the teacher called out. 'Great. Just great.' You were number 7, so you almost let out a groan when your heard your number being called. The other students ran onto the court, trying to get the ball from one another. All you did was go out and stand in place, thanking God that no one was giving you strange looks, or staring at you. Until, a person on the other team came running with the ball, in your direction. People on your team started to shout your name, yelling at you to take the ball from the person. You started to panic just a bit, so you did what everyone was telling you to do, without exactly thinking. You managed to steal the ball, and immediately passed it to another person on your team so no one would be looking at you anymore.

~~~Okay, so I erased time to save you from boredom~~~ 

You put your bag down in your next class, then headed to lunch. 'Okay... Just do something (Y/n)! You got this!' you thought to yourself. You ended up standing in one spot, not moving an inch, even though you were trying to motivate yourself to do something; anything. "(Y/n)!" you heard a voice say. You looked over to see Okuyasu jumping up and down and waving at you. You smiled, and started to make your way over to him. He just kept waving you over until you actually got to him. "Good thing I spotted you, huh? Wouldn't want you to be standing there the whole time!" he said, smiling. "Yeah, I guess..." you said, not wanting to face him for some reason.  "Well then, c'mon! I want to introduce you to my friends!" he said, grabbing your arm and dragging you to his lunch spot. You saw two more people sitting on the ground; one of them looked familiar. And then you remembered. It was that Josuke guy. You waved at him, and he waved back, smiling. "You already know Josuke?" Okuyasu asked, seeing the two of you wave at each other. 

"No. We don't k n o w know each other, I just met her while I was looking for you," Josuke said, taking a bite out of a sandwich. "Oh. Okay," Okuyasu said, sitting next to someone with sort of grayish kind of hair. Oku patted a spot on the ground next to him. You went over and sat down next to him, forgetting that you didn't even have a lunch of your own. "Oh! Who's your friend, Okuyasu?" the gray-haired boy asked, motioning towards you. "Her? That's (Y'/n)!" Okuyasu said, trying to take some of Josuke's sandwich... and failing. You laughed at his attempts, and he just pouted. The gray-haired boy chuckled as he said, "Well it's nice to meet you (Y/n). I'm Koichi!" He held out his hand to shake, and so you did. "So that's your name huh? I guessed I never stopped to ask!" Josuke said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Meh, it's okay," you replied. Okuyasu attempted once again to steal some of Josuke's sandwich, failing.... again. 'He must really want that sandwich,' you thought. 

You then, out of nowhere, remembered something that had happened to both you and Okuyasu before you moved to America. It was almost like anything could bring back memories of the past, no matter what it was. You gasped. "Okuyasu!" you exclaimed. "Hm?" he muttered. "Do you remember that time when you tried to steal some of Mrs.Jah's cookies?" His eyes lit up. "Yeah! I remember that! I got into so much trouble that day!" he said. You both broke out into a laughing fit, and Josuke and Koichi joined in too, because they thought that your endless laughter was funny.

Just as your laughter had started to die down, you heard the bell ring. "Shit! It's time to go already?!" Josuke said, scrambling to grab his stuff, Koichi doing the same. The two of them rushed over to throw their trash away, and ran to their classes, but not before waving to you and Oku. "Welp, I guess I'll see ya soon?" Okuyasu said, turning to you. "Yep," you replied, waving as you started to walk to your next class. "See you later Oku!" you yelled.

"See ya later (Y/n)!" Oku exclaimed, smiling bright as ever.

(Hi! Sorry for not updating recently 😔. I was trying to work on this and my new thingy at the same time lmao. Anywho, I hope it's not t o o obvious that I kinda rushed this chapter so ya'll could read it. Welp, I hope you enjoyed! Byeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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