Prologue - Edited

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He does all that he should...

Virgil sat alone in his room, listening to music. There were no windows and the room was hugged by the darkness. When was the last time he left it? Three days ago, for a video. He couldn't remember which one and didn't really care either. Virgil's eyes had long since adjusted to the pitch black surrounding him. That's how the youngest side could still see everything. Or most of it. Clothing laying in all the places they weren't supposed to be in, creating creepy silhouettes that would haunt his dreams. If Virgil would sleep, that is.

...Why is he misunderstood?

He should probably go outside and drink something. Virgil couldn't really die, since he wasn't alive in the first place. He was one of Thomas's sides, a creation of the mans fantasy. But Thomas; he was alive, he could die. Even though the sweet release was everything Virgil wanted right now, he would never let that happen. All Virgil ever wanted was to protect his host.

This is the story 'bout a broken boy,

Virgil might seem like the bad guy. The one that always destroys the good vibes. But that's not what he wants; it never was and never will be. It was never his attention to make everyone feel worse. Virgil just tells them the things no one else wants to say, so that they can consider all possibilities. So that they can be safe. Was that really such a bad thing to do? Apparently.

With his headphones in just to block out the noise

Where the mind can wander when one gets bored. Virgil was just thinking about if he should get a cup of water or not and now he's overthinking his life. Not that that's something new. Virgil does that pretty often, he came to realise. The man couldn't control it, it just happens every now and then. Pretty often actually, he came to realise. But at least he had something to think of, or else Virgil might have gone crazy alone in the dark a long time ago.

Of everyone around him, telling him the way to go

Now, where were we? Right. Water. Virgil doesn't really need it since he can't actually die, but not drinking enough doesn't feel good. He can't die but it feels like he was. The constant feeling of dying. He already went this far and as much as he thinks he deserves the suffering, a man can only take so much before giving in. Is throat was raw, the constant feeling of sandpaper inside of him following Virgil through his waking hours. The feeling growing intensity every time he dared to breath.

So he walks through the world alone.

He glanced at his phone to check the time. The sudden bright light blinding him like the burning sun , so Virgil was quick to squint his eyes until they adjusted once more.
12:17 am.
None of the other traits should be awake by now. Or should he say already? Time was weird and a social construct, so why should Virgil care? Anyway, it should be safe to leave the secure darkness of his room.
He sat up in his bed and looked around his room once more, as if it was the last time seeing his belongings.

Wondering if it gets better,

Virgil stood up and went over to his door. It was placed on the opposite side of his room so that he could look right at it from his bed. Next to the door was a desk with a few photos laying around. You could recognise a few stress toys and some lonely sheets of paper.
The dark oak wood that cuts him off from the rest of Thomas's mind. That cuts him off from the other traits. A clean, silver door knob decorating it.

Or if he's always gonna feel empty forever?

Virgil reached for the knob, opening the door slowly, as if something really bad would happen when it got opened too fast or too loud. And just as slow as he opened the door, he took a quiet, single step forward. Virgil moved outside, his body even in swift movements that he learned over the years of silence.

So he gets lost, tryna find another way back home...

His room was next to Logan's, on the left side of the hallway. His and Logan's doors were of dark wood, though Logan's was mahogany instead of oak, and his name was written on it in a fancy royal blue.  On the right side were Pattons and Romans rooms. The father figure had a door painted in baby blue, decorated with different kinds of stickers, varying in size. Romans was white with his own beautiful, original paintings littering all over it.
The long hallway that seemed to stretch endlessly, let to the kitchen and the common room. Every trait had their own bath behind an extra door in their room. Sadly, the sink water was terrible and really could only serve the purpose of cleaning, not drinking.

...As he walks through the world alone

The long stretching hallway always seemed to crush Virgil in some way. It was too enormous. The walls seemed to close in on him. His steps grew in pace as his ears started to ring. Why were they ringing?
Just grab a glass, fill it with water, swallow and run back. Easy task.

Who is he kidding? Surely not himself.

Finally, after a walk that seemed way too long than it should have been, he reached the kitchen. The glass. The sink. The water.
Virgil swallowed it quickly, wanting nothing more than to satisfy his senses that just screamed for attention, for the water, and chocked on it. That didn't stop him though. After days, the figurative sandpaper finally disappeared out of his throat and he could breath again.

But sometimes he wonders if there's somebody else...

Virgil drank it needy and after a few seconds already refilled his cup. He needed that. The second cup was downed way slower, finally in a normal pace. And after his dry throat was refreshed, Virgil quickly made his way back to his room. The man hoped he was as quiet as before, but he wasn't sure.

...That takes the same road?

The crushing feeling was gone as soon as Virgil was back in his safe place, closing the door behind him. It took more self control to not slam it shut than it should have.
Virgil needed to rest now too. He hadn't in a long time. The eyeshadow barely covered his eye bags anymore.

But he'll never know,

Virgil finally turned his music off and went to bed, laying down with a satisfied sigh, waiting for the darkness and nightmares to take over his mind and soul.

'Cause he walks the world alone

Song: Alone by Nico Collins

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