The concert Pt. 2

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The songs that will be named in this chapter will be added at the end

"You ready Virgil?", Remus asked grinning.
The boy nodded excited. You just couldn't make his giant smile go away. And the best thing about it? It was real.
Thomas and Patton did see him smile a few times in their Videos. But never have they seen him with this excitement and happiness. His eyes actually said the same as his smile. And the two thought it was adorable.

The first key on the keyboard was pressed and Virgil instantly knew the song. This melody could trigger any MCR fan.
Welcome to the black parade.
The next keys were pressed and the tunes followed. When the vocalist started singing, Virgil listened carefully.

The next song they played was Teenagers. By now, Virgil was singing himself.
After half of the song, the vocalist was standing at the edge of the stage and held his hand out to Virgil.
The boy went wide eyed and looked at his four friends.
Remus and Patton were nodding eagerly, Deceit nodded calmly and Thomas nodded normally, giving him a thumbs up.
So Virgil took the hand and was pulled onto the stage.

Like out of thin air, he got a mic. The boy looked at his friends again, which just kept nodding, so he started to sing on stage, alongside his favourite band.

The four men could see the emotions that Virgil put into the lyrics. They could feel that music was his element and this band was the right technique to bend it.

(Avatar? Anyone?)

After Mama and I'm not okay (I promise) Virgil was crying, but the giant smile told them that he wasn't sad at all. And this time, they knew they could trust his smile.
He laughed between the songs to let out all of his joy and Patton and Thomas thought it was the purest thing they ever heard. They never heard Virgil laugh before. It was beautiful.

Virgil kept on singing the songs that came to his mind and the band played what he sung. So he was smiling brightly and singing to songs like The world is ugly (but you're beautiful to me) or Every snowflake is different (just like you). Patton didn't know that there would be such beautiful songs. He thought every song of them was some edgy emo stuff, but no. Those were great songs.

The last song of the day was Famous last words. Virgil made sure to sing the part "I am not afraid to keep on living!", extra clearly for them to hear. And Deceit and Remus, knowing about his fragile mind and broken state back when they found him, were really glad.

After Remus made the band disappear, Deceit and Virgil said their goodbyes to  Patton and Thomas.
Remus took their hands and brought the two men home safe and sound.
Roman and Logan quickly searched for any injuries. Patton made them let go after telling the two of them they were okay more than five times. Right as Remus wanted to sink back home, Thomas stopped him.

"Hey Remus?"
Roman and Logan froze. Patton kept smiling. Now that he saw the other side of the dark sides, he wasn't really afraid of them anymore.
"Can we do that again sometimes?", Thomas asked smiling. Remus eyes widen slightly. Thomas wanted to...actually do something with him? He...he didn't hate him anymore?
Remus smiled wider than it should be physically possible.
"Sure! If you need me, just caaaaall...", he stretched the "a" while sinking out.
This day was great.


Welcome to the black parade



I'm not okay (I promise)

The world is ugly

Every snowflake is different (just like you)

Famous last words

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