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Oh my god that's the worst idea I ever had.

Virgil's mind raced a hundred miles per hour. He took shaky breaths and started counting. It was a trick a friend gave him once. It didn't help as much as it did back then, since his panic attacks and breakdowns got way worse over time, but it still was better than just sitting it out. So after a few moments of clenching his fists to release the stress and breathing, he collected himself enough so he could open the door again.

Roman looked angrier than before but after taking a deep breath himself the prince managed to keep his voice more or less normal.

"Would you kindly tell us why Thomas is having a panic attack?"

Virgil blinked in surprise and confusion.

"Listen, I didn't do anything."
It took a lot of his self control to keep his facade up. On the inside the boy was panicking.
Did he do something wrong again? How did he effect Thomas?
Wasn't he just asleep?

"Yeah? Then why is Thomas having a panic attack?! I- Urgh, you know what? We're gonna talk later. I'll help Logan and Patton calm him down. Something you're obviously not able to."
And with these words, Roman sunk down, leaving a confused and hurt Virgil.

He wanted to help. He really did. But Virgil knew that Roman was right. If he would show up it would make everything worse.
So the young side decided to do the only thing he could do in this situation and that was finding out what has caused Thomas' attack.

Virgil took a close look at his room. Inspected everything but wasn't able to find anything that could have caused it. Even Virgil himself felt fine until Romans appearance. Tired, but fine.
So there was no trigger at all. Maybe Patton would have an idea? He was Thomas emotional side after all. But right now he was helping their host so Virgil would have to wait.

And that's what he did.

He waited what felt like hours while it probably was only a half one.
But then finally he could feel the three sides returning to the mind palace. Before the little courage he built in the past minutes could leave, Virgil speed-walked over to the main room. His gaze fixed on Patton so he wouldn't see the others angry faces.

"Patton? C-can" The boy played with his hands in his pockets, trying to relief the stress. It didn't really work though.

"Sure! Whatcha wanna talk about?"
Patton smiles at him widely and Virgil froze in his movement. He knew this smile. Or more like, he didn't knew it. That wasn't Pattons smile. He had never seen this smile on Pattons face. And the thing is...Virgil knew this fake smile from himself. He put it on every time he had to smile in front of the camera or tell Patton that everything was alright. And he hated seeing Patton with a fake smile. Maybe... maybe Patton caused the attack? Virgil was fine and Patton obviously wasn't. The younger sides eyes went wide when realisation hit him. It actually wasn't his fault. It was Pattons, for Patton was Thomas' emotions.

"Could you just leave? Before you ruin even more."

"Anxiety, would you please go back to your room? I am afraid you might infect one of us with your negative attitude."

Virgil opened his mouth to protest but the stern and angry looks made him close it again before he could even spend another thought of it. So all he did was obey. The anxious side lowered his head and quickly went back to his room.

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