Chapter two: Outside - Edited

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Virgil woke up with a sore throat. The memories of his many past failures came rushing back to haunt him last night. And it didn't end well. It never does.

He needed to drink something, get the desert out of his throat. So the youngest side threw on the next best hoodie laying on the floor, which happened to be Merch from 'Nightmare before Christmas' and checked his face. Red eyes, red cheeks, eyeshadow stains all over his face. Nothing he couldn't fix with a bit of makeup.

So after a few minutes Virgil seemed to be ready to leave his room. The anxious trait put on the hood for the feeling of protection and then opened the door, being blended by the bright light of the hallway, a heavy contrast to the darkness that was his room. A quiet sigh made its way past his lips, before he started setting one foot in front of the other and walking down the hall. He could hear people chatting in another room but Virgil couldn't make out who it was, the voices were too far away.

After a short while that felt like ages to Virgil, he finally reached the room of his desire and repeated the routine of his last visit. This time, after he finished, he looked at the fridge. Virgil knew he hadn't eaten in a while. How long was it? A four days? Or longer? He couldn't really tell. But the boy could hear and feel his stomach roar when he simply looked at the fridge. So Virgil did what was most logical to him. He looked away and went back to his room.

Unlucky for him, he bumped into the person he would want to meet the least right now. Or ever, really.
"Wow, the emo left his room."
Virgil growled lowly, letting out a huff. He didn't want to fight right now, he just wanted to go back to his room in peace.
"Oh what, you gonna bite me now? What are you, a dog?" Princey laughed about his terrible idea of a joke and looked at Virgil once more.

"Man, you really need a few fashion tips from a pro. And Make-up tips."

"Like Who?"

"Like me", Roman grinned a little in pride.

"Really, you should give yourself a makeover. One can barely look at...this" Roman made a rough gesture, pointing at basically anything on Virgil, from hair to toe.

"No thanks." Virgil grumbled and put his lightly shaking hands in his pockets. He just wanted to go back to his room already.

"Hey, Anxiety." Roman was suddenly towering over Virgil, making the younger one seem even smaller than he already felt. There wasn't much of a height difference between them, maybe an inch, but with Virgil slouching in submission and Roman standing with all his confidence, it seemed like so much more. He gulped.

"Yeah?" What did he do now?

"Don't ruin our fun again. You really are a pain in the butt sometimes- Urgh, all of the time. Just, next time, let the adults speak. We actually know how to help Thomas and don't ruin all he does so greatly. Seriously, I don't know how you can call yourself a light side."

Virgil froze. No. He wasn't the bad guy. He didn't- he didn't want to-
Roman went past him, not without purposely bumping into his shoulder, and disappeared.
Virgil just ran back to his room and locked himself once more.


No one checked on him last night. But he didn't really expected them to anyways. Virgil just had the secret oh so small hope his d- ...Patton would care enough to check. But he knew that this was silly. Why would someone care about him? Heck, he didn't even care himself! If it would be for him he would just sit in the corner with music and silently rot for the rest of his damned existence. But Virgil knew he couldn't do that. As much as he wished it to be that easy. He played a little with his hoodie sleeves.

What if someone saw? He couldn't imagine their reaction. No, that's a lie. He could imagine it just perfectly. The disgusted look on Romans face, the disappointment in Pattons eyes and the cold glare of Logan on him. They wouldn't tell Thomas. It wouldn't be important enough to tell Thomas. If he could die, and did, would they tell Thomas? Probably not.

Virgil checked that his door was still locked and rolled up his right sleeve. It was covered in a bandage that had a few red stains seeping through. He should probably change it.

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