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The rest of the dinner went without any interruption. Virgils happy mood went on for the whole time and it infected the other two sides, which were happy to see the boy so joyous.

In a boost of confidence, Virgil looked back at Remus, smiling.
"I promise."

The other two sides were confused for a few seconds, before they remembered Remus' question.
The moustached man grinned widely.

Virgil nodded, eating up his food.

"Sure. But you have to tell me what you know."
The boy smiled. Now that he actually said it, he was more nervous than before, but happy nonetheless.

"Sure thing!"

When Lunch was over, the two sides went back to the imagination. Remus headed right to a room that was yet unknown to Virgil, but the boy followed nonetheless.

"Sooo, I've never used this room, but it should work"
Remus opened the door, revealing a room that reminded Virgil of a pirate cabinet, or at least the ones that the captains in the movies had. There was a table in the middle with multiple maps.
In the room were multiple bookshelf's, a bed and a hammock.
On the wooden walls were multiple paintings of a clouded sky, the ocean and a ship that Virgil could identify as the Black Pearl from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean.

Virgil looked down at the maps, curious. Remus took two of them and placed them down so they were visible for his friend.

"So, this one is a map of Remus kingdom and the other one is of his castle."

Virgil looked at the maps, nervous and excited.

"Okay. Let's see..."

After a while of talking back and forth, the two men had a plan that both of them could agree on.

"I knew you would make an awesome job! This plan is absolutely waterproof!" Remus said while smiling widely in excitement.
"This is awesome! Come on, you should sleep so you're fit tonight!"

Without waiting for a response he grabbed Virgil's healthy wrist and pulled him back to the closet.

"Dee! We're gonna kill my brother!"
Remus announced happily.

"We're not gonna kill Princey"
Virgil interrupted.
"We're just...gonna pay him a little visit"

Deceit smiled at the two boys as he looked up from the book he was reading. Pinocchio.

"Have fun"

"Actually!" Remus said, bumping Virgil in the side with his elbow.
"Right- Uhm, we wanted to ask if you'd like to come along... You know, like... a family trip or something?"

Deceit smirked a little and nodded.

"Sure, why not. What's the plan?"

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