One day left

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Virgil paced through his room nervously. He was really going to do that. When this day is over and the night strikes, he will sneak out again. He missed his escape but therefor it will now be his freedom forever.

The young side took a deep breath. A sudden burst of rage went through his veins as he looked around the room that caged the boy for so long. It was a couple years already. Virgil punched the wall in frustration as tears started streaming down his face.
What have I done to deserve this? Did I do something wrong in my past life or did I screw up in my current one? Was I that bad by simply being myself? Probably.
Virgil kept punching the wall, making his hands bleed. But he didn't care. The youngest side only stopped when he heard the complains from the other sides, making him sob quietly.
Why did it hurt so much...

After the boy calmed down, he put on his headphones and started listening to music.

And so the time flew by, and it was time to leave.

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