Good night story

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Remus continued the story.

"When Dee told me what happened, I told him to show me the lake. When we were there I got your headphones back out of the water and fixed them in the imagination. We came to check on you every night since we haven't seen you in years. Guess it was the right thing to do. Then one night you came with a picnic basket. I was like 'A picnic? At night?' And Dee was all like 'Shut up, he might hear us'."

Remus laughed a little, before continuing with the story.

"But nope! Didn't hear us at all. So when you ate that sandwich Dee got hungry 'n got back home to make us food. So I stood there and watched when you took that shiny little thing out. Then, well... you know the rest. You gave us quite the scare back there. That's my job."

Virgil would have smiled about the last comment but the circumstances didn't allow his lips to form one. Instead he buried his face in Deceits chest, who started stroking his hair again.

Finally, Virgil's brain was back in the present. He registered everything, remembered everything and could feel something, he looked down at his arm, his wrist to be specific. It was wrapped in a tight bandage.
The Dark Sides saved his life.

"Now, how about we all go to sleep? It was a long day for all of us."

Remus and Virgil nodded.

"Virgil, you can sleep in my room. I'll take the couch and-"

"No" Virgil interrupted Deceit. "I'll take the Couch. You keep your room"

"Are you Sure?"

Virgil nodded. The two Dark sides looked at each other, before giving in.

"We'll be in our rooms", Deceit said, finally standing up from the ground.

"Don't bother to yell for us!" Remus said, ruffling Virgil's hair as if he was a little child and then jumping up to his room, soon followed by Deceit, after he helped Virgil up.

The purple one looked at where his old friends went and smiled sadly. Remus always ruffled his hair when he was younger.

Virgil laid back down and snuggled into the blanket, remembering the old times.

He was the youngest side. Back when he first formed, Deceit and Remus took him in. They were a small, happy family. Deceit always had to make sure Remus didn't break things or anything and took care of the two. If Morality was the Light Sides Dad character, than you could definitely say Deceit was the dark sides Dad. And Remus was the crazy big brother.
It was a weird family. But it was his family.

Why did Virgil even agree to leave for the Light Sides?
Because he thought they were nice.
Why didn't he come back?
Virgil had no idea.

He could've always returned home, so why didn't he do that? Right. His thoughts and the voices didn't allow him. He was afraid they would hate him for he had left. But now that he was back... they hadn't changed at all. They just looked older than back then. And the two sides cared. They cared so much and Virgil had hurt them. But the young side didn't hear these thoughts for long, as he soon got surrounded by black as his tiredness won and he drifted into a deep sleep.

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