Three days left

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And that's how the next month went on. Virgil disappeared every night to visit his beautiful place of freedom, making him tired all day along. When he got insulted or mistreated, the boy didn't fight back. He simply had no energy to do so. Virgil barely talked anymore, but he knew it made the others happy.

But even though he was now free at night, it didn't change the fact that he was hated at his so called home. Virgil might have stopped talking, but the mistakes he made while acting didn't change. And the sides would let him know.

Roman would always insult him and talk him down.

Logan would always remind him what a horrible job he did and how he could never help or do something right.

And now Patton started ignoring him or sometimes worse. Patton never said something mean, but his face. His eyes. They said it all. Pure disappointment and disgust.

Virgil couldn't take it anymore. It was just to much. And everything became worse the more time passed. So he made a decision. The next full moon was going to be in three days. He always loved the full moon.
How it could throw shadows like the sun but didn't burn in ones eyes.
How it fit in with the stars just perfectly, pointing them out even more than in any other night.
How you could see the craters in its surface just with the eyes.

The full moon was a magical time to him.
He was first created at a full moon.
He found his escape at a full moon.
He was going to make the pain stop at a full moon.

Virgil smiles slightly. No one would even miss him. It would be perfect for everyone.

The boy opened his eyes, letting the music blast through his ears. Virgils stomach was aching and it felt like dying. He should probably eat something soon. The thoughts kept him awake and it was now way past midnight. Virgil didn't want to visit his place, he was going to keep the excitement for the night of action. But at least he sneaked out of his room to eat and drink.

Sides couldn't die unless Thomas did.
That's what everyone believed.
But no one actually ever tried that Theory.
So maybe...just maybe the luck would be on Virgils side for once in his life.
Maybe he could do it.
Maybe he could end his suffering.
Either way, he would find out soon.

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