Happily ever after here we are

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A few month had passed. 

Roman and Remus overcame the shadows of their past and with Pattons and Virgil's help they became really close. Sure, sometimes Remus still joked about killing Roman but he didn't mean it seriously anymore.
Roman still picked on Remus but he made sure his twin knew he didn't mean it in a bad way.
They even made peace between their kingdoms and were thinking about putting them together.

Patton and Deceit found a healthy balance between honesty and lying for Thomas. They agreed that Thomas should only lie when absolutely necessary and if something wasn't sure, they would discuss the pros and cons with Virgil and Logan.

Remus and Roman found a way to combine the houses of the Light and Dark Sides. They made a door in each house that would lead to the other like a portal. That way, they could always visit and feel closer.

The six of them were currently sitting at Virgil's lake. They were having a picnic and planned on swimming after wards. Virgil didn't really want to go swimming so Deceit and Remus, since they still were the only ones that knew about what was underneath that jacket, said they could stay outside with him.
To everyone's surprise Logan insisted that they could go swimming and that he would wait with Virgil.

He simply took a book from his backpack and started reading.
Virgil meanwhile took out his headphones and listened to his music with one ear while the other one was free, in case someone wanted to talk to him. Which, surprisingly, Logan did.

"What are you listening to?", the logical side asked with honest curiosity in his voice. It told Virgil that Logan really wanted to know and wasn't just asking out of formality.

"My Steven Universe playlist", Virgil answered smiling. Logan looked up from his book, surprised.
"And what song is playing right now?"

Virgil smiled a little brighter and sung the part of the song that was playing right now.

"Happily ever after here we are~"

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