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"Hey Virge"

Virgil looked up, Pop tart in his mouth. The two men offered him the breakfast and after he refused a few times, they could convince him to eat.
Remus insisted that Virgil should at least eat something small. When he carried Virgil home, he could feel the boys bony limps and how light he was. Remus wasn't a doctor but he knew that wasn't healthy. He also told Deceit about it and the man could agree.

"Yes?" Virgil answered after a few seconds.

"Why didn't you visit? I mean, I told you that Romans and my imagination are kinda fused together. You could have walked from his side of the imagination to mine. I could've send you a dragon witch if you didn't want to walk! Really, flying is awesome." Remus grinned widely at the memories, but his smile soon got confused when he heard the answer.

"I wasn't allowed to"

"What? I invited you. That's the opposite of not allowing!"

"No, not you! Princey forbid me to enter the imagination. He said he didn't want me to fuck up his kingdom..."

To say the least, Remus and Deceit were pissed of. How dare the so called Prince act like such an asshole?

"Virgil." Deceit said serious, causing the boy to flinch slightly.
"Do you want to go back there?"

The boy looked confused and snorted humourless. "What other choice do I have?" He said sarcastically.

"You could always stay here"
Remus Said, causing the boy to let his breakfast fall in shock.

"Are...are you serious? After I-"

"You did what you thought was right. You just have to say the word, so your room manifests itself back here."

Wherever a side lives, their room will be. That way, it was pretty easy to move, even though Virgil was the first one to ever change his place of living in Thomas's mind. And he was gonna do it again.

"Yes. I'd love to move back here."

All six sides could feel something happened. Virgil, Remus and Deceit could feel a short, warm feeling in their gut. It was a nice feeling. It showed, that their family was complete again.

The light sides on the other hand, had a cold, horrible, empty feeling in their hearts. Even though it was only for a few seconds, it was enough to alarm each of them. The feeling represented the loss they just experienced without knowing.

"Welcome back, baby brother" Remus grinned widely. If you didn't know him, it would look like he going to murder you any second now, but not to the ones that knew him. To these two, it was a happy and true smile.

"Feels great to be back."

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