MCR is back

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Deceit was rubbing Virgil's back slowly while Remus got the blanket.
With the help of his family, Virgil calmed down surprisingly fast and leaned exhausted on Deceit, the crown still remaining in his head.

"Little Hyacinth, I know something that will cheat you up", Deceit said smiling. Virgil tilted his head curiously and a little tired.

"Did you know that My Chemical Romance is back together?"

Virgil took a few seconds until the meaning of that sentence settled into his brain, but when it did, he jumped up; his exhaustion long forgotten.
"What?! Really?!", he slightly let his voice echo by accident but Remus and Deceit didn't care.

"Yeah, and they're doing a concert! Maybe we can convince Thomas to buy a ticket?", Remus said grinning. Virgils smile couldn't have possibly become any bigger so instead he hugged Remus as a thanks.

Deceit stood up and smiled at the boys. "I'm going to Thomas then", he said sinking down.
"I'll help!", Remus yelled and followed the snake.
Virgil just sat back down and slowly fell asleep.

Thomas was just quietly eating serials out of the box and watching Steven Universe Future, minding his own business and not expecting anything bad, when all of the sudden there were weights on his left and right.

As he looked up, the serials nearly covered the floor. Deceit catched then before they could spill.
"Oh. Heheh heeey...", Thomas said a little nervous.

"Hey TomTom!", Remus Said happily.
"Thomas, do you know this band, My Chemical Romance?", Deceit asked. "Uhh, I guess I heard of it. Why?"
"They recently got back together and wouldn't going on a concert be a nice change?"
Now, that confused Thomas even more.
"I don't know? I never really listened to any of their songs", he said truthfully.

Thats when the Light Sides appeared.
And the two men knew they would have a hard job convincing Thomas now.
And of course they knew what was going on.

"Thomas really shouldn't do that. He said himself he doesn't listen to the music. Going to a concert of a band he doesn't know would be a waste of time and money. And if he'd go, he probably wouldn't even enjoy it so there is no point in saying otherwise"

Screw your logic, Logan.

Remus wanted to say something but he knew that that was a lost battle. But he sure as hell ain't gonna loose the war. And the victory will be an MCR concert for the angsty boy.
And Remus just had the idea of how to win.
So he grabbed Deceits arm and sunk back to their place, just to see Virgil asleep on the couch.

"I'm gonna prepare something, you'll bring him to bed?", Remus asked, already on the way to his room.

Deceit nodded and with that, Remus was gone.

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