Sanders Sides

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Virgil reappeared at his usual spot at the staircase. He swallowed thickly as all the eyes landed on him.

"Virgil!", Thomas exclaimed happily.
"I was afraid you wouldn't come! Are you feeling better now? The others told me you were sick"
Virgil froze and looked at the other three sides.

Patton eyes seemed to be glued to the ground, not daring to look at the boy he called his dark strange son. The Dad was ashamed of what he had done.

Logan watched Virgil carefully, scanning his every movement. The Light Side didn't really see what he did wrong. He only lied to protect Thomas.

Roman just glared at Virgil, still remembering what he did with his kingdom, but not remembering what he self did to the angsty boy.

"Sick?", Virgil asked when his face turned back to Thomas, who looked confused at the chilly atmosphere.

"Well, Yeah... Why? Weren't you sick?"

"No. I wasn't.", Virgil said. "Guess they Lied."

"Falsehood", Logan states calmly.
"We made sure you were okay the past days. You don't have to be ashamed of-"

"Well false-food to you sir!", someone interrupted, making Patton and Thomas let out a surprised yelp. Roman summoned his sword and looked around, but Remus was nowhere to be seen. Until...

"Anxiety, come over here. Slowly.", Logan said, pinning his eyes on the young boy. No, not on Virgil. Behind him. Instead of listening to Logan's instructions, he turned around and was greeted by a madly grinning goofhead and a disappointed half snake face.

Deceit simply stood behind him, arms neatly folded behind his back. Remus was leaning at the wall, playing with his morning star and looking ready to murder someone.

"What do you want?" Roman spat the words like they were poison on his tongue.

"I can feel your lies, you know?", Deceit said, moving forward. Remus followed him to the center of the room, making sure that all eyes were on the two of them.

"We can confirm Virgil was not sick!", Remus said, glaring at the three Light Sides.

"Guys...what are they talking about?", Thomas asked worriedly.

Roman wanted to say something.
Something about how Virgil betrayed them and how he became a dark side again.
Something about how awful the side was and that he never helped.
But Roman couldn't do that. He remembered how awful he self was and that Roman was the one that drove Virgil to the things he did.
So Roman just shut his mouth.

"We Lied!", Patton suddenly said loudly, earning a slightly shocked face from Logan.
"I'm sorry Virgil!", the Dad side now looked directly at Virgil.
"I am sorry for not listening and helping you! I should have shown more how much I care! I'm sorry!"

Virgil was taken aback. He did not expect an apology, especially not from Patton. He was the last one that should apologise. But to make sure, Virgil looked at Deceit who nodded, confirming that Pattons words were true.

Virgil smiled slightly. "It's okay Patton. To be honest, you're the reason I managed to stay there for so long"

The boy succeeded in making the Dad crack a smile.

"We will be going now", Deceit said, making Remus pout.
"Do you want to come with us or stay here for longer?", he asked, turning to Virgil. Everyone else was surprised at how kind Deceit was, all of the sudden.

"Yeah, I'm comin'...", Virgil answered.

"Wait! Uhm, would you be okay with a Q&A for the next Video? So that we all can...learn about this new situation?", Thomas asked before they could disappear. Virgil thought for a few seconds before nodding. "Sure..."

And with that, they disappeared.

Feel free to ask questions! The next chapter will be the Q&A. And don't hesitate to ask whatever you want, there are no dump or wrong questions. And other than the teachers I mean it. You can ask anyone about anything.

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