I'm sorry

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Virgil turned around quickly. His eyes met a furious Princey.
The boy didn't have to actually interact with him ever since he tried to... Virgil quickly took a step back, accidentally bumping into Remus' chest.
The golden crown fell to the floor but Virgil couldn't care less.

Roman had his sword in hands, ready to strike while glaring at the two in front of him.
Was he going to actually use it?
Was he going to finish the job Virgil started and end his life?
No, he couldn't- Virgil was finally happy, he didn't want to die anymore!

Even though he tried to hold it back, Virgil let out a small whimper.
He was afraid.

Remus now was even more furious than Roman. How dare he, the so called prince, make Virgil so afraid? He knew Virgil since the boy was created. He knew that Virgil could hide his pain with ease. And Roman just made him whimper.

The duke stepped in front of Virgil, summoning his morning star.
Virgil was already trembling and his breathing got irregular.

Romans eyes softened a little and to be honest, he was shocked that the boy reacted this way. Sure, he had his sword out and was angry, but shouldn't Virgil be making some sarcastic remark or joke about his appearance with Remus?
No. In this moment, when he looked into Virgil eyes, he saw pure terror. Fear of the prince and Roman could swear he saw tears ready to fall.

The prince lowered his sword a little and looked back to Remus. He couldn't bare to look at Virgil any longer.
It only got worse when he saw his normally crazy twin.
The man stood protectively in front of Virgil, fury in his eyes and a scarily serious face that didn't fit into his usual character.

And that when Roman remembered how he hurt Virgil in their shared memories. The mocking, the yelling, the names he gave the youngest side.

And now seeing this side, scared of him, hiding behind the crazy villain, obviously trusting him with his life.

Roman lowered his sword completely.
"I'm sorry"
Without thinking the words left his mouth.
But they got the attention of his opponents.

Virgil looked at him, searching for any hint that he meant the words or that he lied.
But he couldn't find anything. He was to distracted by his fears. The boy couldn't think clearly.
And there was no Deceit that could tell him if it was a lie or not like they did when Patton apologised.
Virgil couldn't trust Princeys words.
He was to afraid of getting hurt again.

"L-let's go...", he quietly mumbled while tugging at Remus' shirt like a little child. Remus huffed and send his brother a last glare, before picking up the golden crown from the floor again and placed it back at Virgil's head. After that, he nodded and left through the door with Virgil.

Roman looked at the door for at least ten minutes after they left, before turning his attention to the now empty red pillow on his nightstand.
He made a copy of his crown and placed it down. But it just wasn't the same.

It wasn't the crown his brother made for him when they were kids.

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