When the full moon is highest

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Virgil put on the black jacket he wore in the past. It was time.
The boy carefully took of the signed poster Prince wanted so much.
He took the little picnic basked he prepared.
Virgil placed the poster in front of Princeys door and left afterwards.

The moon was already high above him, showing the boy his path.
Virgil walked to the lake and did what he always did. He took off his shoes and socks before gliding his feet into the cold water. The small waves caused by the wind never failed to calm his nerves.

And with that, he grabbed the basked and took out a small sandwich. It was a risky move but Virgil decided for his last meal, he could take the risk.
Because he made a sandwich with Logan's Crofters.
As soon as the starving boy took a bite he knew it was worth it. Ignoring the need to push as much as possible down his throat, Virgil reminded himself to stay calm and enjoy the delicious food. And he did.

A small smile formed on his lips when he drank the juice he took with him. Everything was perfect.
Virgil looked up at the star sprinkled sky, eyeing the  full moon when he was highest.
He could now just lay down and stare at above himself and the full moon would watch him.
It was time.

With a small smile, Virgil took the remaining item out of the basket. His loyal blade.
It was shining magically in the moonlight, reflecting it like it could kill every shadow with its brightness but still careful enough to not hurt one's eyes.

Virgil put the basked back aside and stared at the moon above him. It was quiet and peaceful. The side couldn't imagine a better place for his final rest. He placed the blade on his wrist. It only takes one cut. And that's what he did.

Before he could spend a second thought a deep cut covered his arm.
First the blood flood slow but after a few seconds it was unstoppable.
Virgil places his arm next to him and relaxed. The full moon was at its highest, and countless stars lighted the night sky alongside him.

The bleeding didn't stop and slowly the moon and stars became foggy points at the sky. Virgil smiled.
Guess Logans Theory was wrong

"Fuck! Holy shitty hell!"
An unclear voice made it towards Virgil's ears. He knew that voice. But who? Now was not the time to worry. Not anymore.

Virgil eyelids grew heavy and he didn't fight his tiredness. That's what he wanted. Finally sleeping and not having to wake up...

A second voice joined the first but Virgil couldn't even make out what they were saying anymore.

And then, everything went silent.

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