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Everyone was at their places when Thomas did his usual intro. Remus stood beside Roman and Deceit was next to Patton. Everyone was tense and just hoped that it would relax while they answered the questions.

"Okay, so the first questions are
from ParanoidShipper!

To Virgil: Who do you want to kill the most out of all the light sides?"

Virgils eyes widen slightly. "I don't want to kill anyone. Firstly could I never come to peace with myself ever again if I did and most importantly would that be awful to Thomas mental and most likely his physical health."
Logan looked at Virgil in surprise. Maybe he misjudged the boy.
"I'd kill Roman!", Remus exclaimed disturbingly happy, glancing at his brother who took a step away.
"We all know you would", Deceit signed and turned his attention back to Thomas.

"To Roman: wHy YoU gOtTa Be sO r0od"
Roman huffed slightly.
"I'm not!"

"To Logan: Have you ever searched up logicality?"
Virgil, spending half of his life on the internet, quickly covered his mouth in order to not let any noise slip. If of amusement, disgust or any other reason, we might never know.
Logan however, remained calm.
"I did not, but I might when this video is finished"

"To Patton: No u?", Thomas asked.
Patton looked at Thomas with a tilted head.
"No I what?"
"I dunno..."

"Okay!" Thomas said. "The next one is by Dee-the-emo!"

You could hear offended snake noises and amused duke noises in the background.

"To Virgil! Who is your favourite to least favourite?"

"Well, Remus and Deceit would be sharing the first place, for obvious reasons. Then Patton. Uhm... and I think Princey and Logan share the last place"

"Okay, uhm, TimeTheStarsSky asked

Patton - How do you feel about the birds? They're spying on us, you know."

Patton gasped in shock. "They what?"
Virgil bit his grin down and mumbled to Remus "The birds work for the
bourgeoisie", successfully making him laugh.

"Roman - Were you surprised by the complete mess they didn't leave in your castle's library?", Thomas continued.
Roman was silent for a few seconds.
"Actually, Yeah, why didn't you ruin my library?", the prince asked confused.
"I didn't wanna ruin the books"
Logan looked at him surprised. He never thought Virgil would be one to read.

"Logan - I heard that when you break a bone it typically will heal back stronger than before.. So basically I could break every bone in my body until I become invincible right?"
"That is a horrible idea, don't.", Logan said, eyes slightly widen. Why would anyone do something like that?
"I say you give it a shot! Never know until tried!", Remus grinned, making Logan sigh in annoyance.

"Virgil - Do you sleep with your makeup on?"
Virgil looked slightly confused.
"Of course I don't. It would smear over my face and pillow"

"Deceit - I like your face. Do you moisturize?"
"Yes, it's a part of my morning routine. And thank you", Deceit answered.

"Remus - HoW mAnY LiCkS tO gEt tO ThE CeNtEr oF tHe ToOtSie pOp?"
"1416! But it depends on the size!"
"Why do you know something like that?", Logan asked slightly confused.
"Why do you not know something like that?", Remus responsed.

Thomas decided to read the next question so nothing would escalate.

"ShadowNnight asked, Virgil, are there any dark sides beside Remus and Deceit you're friends with?"

Virgil was thinking for a few seconds.
"I'm not friends with any other dark side"
"So there are more dark sides?", Thomas asked a little nervous.
"If or if not, time will tell. But I can assure you that you won't be harmed."

Okay, now Logan felt slightly bad. Virgil obviously cared about Thomas' well-being and made sure every single word wasn't a lie, nor that it would scare Thomas.
Before he could continue thinking, Thomas kept reading.

"Okay... Well, Military_wolf13 asked

Virgil- what is your favourite thing to do with Deceit and Remus?"
Now that got everyone attention. Light side, dark side and host as well.
"Well, everything with them is pretty fun. But I appreciate the small things", Virgil smiled slightly.
"Like, just being there for each other, or Remus just grabbing my face to fix my makeup that he could warn me about before I kick him in the balls again because I have a fight-or-flight reflex that he just seems to ignore." Virgil send a glare over to the green man, but not really looking mad.
Remus laughed sheepishly.
"But like, everything I do with them are my favourite things"

"Aww..." Patton cooed, smiling brightly. He was happy that Virgil was so happy. Thomas was smiling as well, even Roman had the hint of a small one.

"Deceit-do you have a pet snake?If so what species?"
Deceit smiled at the memories.
"I actually have two pet snakes. A green snake that Remus gave me when he was younger. Her name is Loki. And a red-bellied Black snake Virgil and Remus got me together to fathers day a few years ago. His name is Crowley"

"You shouldn't keep two snakes of different races close to each other. They could-", Deceit interrupted Logan.
"These two aren't any normal snakes. They were made in the imagination and act slightly different than normal ones."
Logan simply nodded

"Remus-what was the best prank you ever pulled on someone?"
Remus thought for a few seconds.
"I think that was when I burned all of Logan's books"
"That was you?!", an angry teach yelled. He blamed Virgil for what had happened...
Remus laughed. "But I think the last one at Romans place was also really good!"

"Yeah, about that.", Roman said. "How the hell do I get this Color off the walls? I tried everything!"

"You could ask nicely", Virgil said, rolling his eyes. Are manners really that much to ask for?
Roman let out a sign.
"Could you please help me get this off of the walls?"

Remus grinned. "Well if you ask that nicely Brother!"
He snapped his fingers and grinned. "Done!"
"What?", Roman asked confused.

"All you had to do was ask for it", Virgil smirked while the prince stood dumbfounded.

"Alright. Pinetree365 asked
Virgil: Do you have a pet spider and if so what type and what's its name?"

Virgil smiled at the memories. "Yeah, I do. His name is Peter, he's a tarantula. It's actually quite funny how I got him"
It may not have been in the questions but he told the short story anyways.
"Remus once tried to prank me. He put a living tarantula on my pillow before I went to sleep. He thought I'd freak out but I'm not really afraid of spiders. So I kept him"
Remus laughed at the memories. "Yeah, it was really disappointing."

"Deceit: How far will you go to protect Virgil."
Deceit was slightly surprised, but smiled at his son figure.
"As far as I have to go"

"Remus: What's your favorite deodorant flavor"
"Simple. I like them all."

"And the rest of the sides: How do you feel about knowing that you were the cause of Virgil leaving? And what would you do to make it up to him?"

"I feel horrible! And I'd do what has to be done!", Patton said, looking at Virgil.
"I already said I forgive you Pat, you don't have to worry", Virgil said calmly, smiling slightly at the man.

"I don't know what I did wrong, so I don't know how to make it up to him", Logan stated. His gaze remained emotionless and he truly did not know what he did wrong.

Roman huffed and insisted that he simply protected Thomas and his fellow sides from a bad influence and a dangerous villain.

And that was the end of the Video.

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