Another night

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The rest of the day Virgil just sat in his room. He couldn't listen to music without headphones. He just stared at the clock, watching the seconds past painfully slow as he let his thoughts take over his mind.

Why can't I help?

Why do I ruin everything?

I am a disgrace.

But soon his own thoughts got overshadowed by the voices. Virgil hadn't heard them in a while. His music normally was louder than them.

You're worthless

They hate you

Why can't you do anything right?



The ringing in his ears now overshadowed the voices while he cried silently and clinched onto his pillow for the comfort he wouldn't get. His gaze fell back to his clock. Nine in the evening. It was pretty early and risky but he couldn't stay in this room any longer. So Virgil stood up on shaky legs and looked at the door that let to his bathroom. The side was thinking for a few seconds before suppressing the need to take the small metallic device with him and left the room. Virgil didn't want to combine his new escape with such memories.

He managed to reach the door without bumping into the other sides and left the house as quickly as possible. Virgil followed his path from the last night and found the way back to the small lake. What he didn't expect though, was to find the headphones he lost the night before in perfect shape laying on a rock.

The boy quickly ran over to them, plugged it in and started his music as to see if everything worked. It did.

Virgil looked around but couldn't see anyone. Did he got a guardian angel of some sort or what? He couldn't explain how this happened but definitely wouldn't complain.

"Thank you...", Virgil mumbled to no one in particular, hoping that the person that helped him would hear. So Virgil did what he did the night before. He laid down at the lake and enjoyed his music. This time he got rid of his socks and shoes, slowly letting his feet sink into the water. It was surprisingly calming and caused the boy to show a rare smile.
When was the last time he smiled? Virgil couldn't remember.

The sunset happened sooner than Virgil imagined. Now that he could actually see it, it was beautiful. The most beautiful thing he ever saw. The last sunbeams warmed his face a last time before the air shifted and the fresh night took over the place. The stars became visible and Virgil felt as if they were only there to comfort him. It was colder but not to the part where he needed something to warm himself up.

Virgils music clung in his ears as the birds stopped singing and the water surrounding his feet was still enjoyable warm. Virgil wanted to close his eyes to take in the feeling even more but wanted to hold them open in order to see the stars.

It was beautiful.

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