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The rest of the day went on like any other day at the dark side of Thomas's mind. Which meant, Virgil had no clue what to do and how to help. Remus tried to summon a demon (Deceit said that this was normal but Virgil was still worried) and was disappointed when he failed.

So what would be the next logical thing to do? Exactly! Enter the Imagination and make your own Satan!

"Why did I agree to that..." Virgil mumbled worriedly. There were so many things that could go wrong. Literally anything could go wrong! They were making a god damn demon!

"Come on Virgil! That's gonna be fun! If something goes wrong I can always make them disappear!" Remus said to calm his friends nerves.
"You're like the brother I Never had, I'm not gonna let you get killed"

Virgil tilted his head and looked at him. "You have an actual brother, Remus. Roman? Ringing some bells?"
Remus looked Virgil dead in the eyes and the boy was afraid he said something wrong until Remus started grinning again.

"Like I said! Like the brother I never had!"

Virgil smirked a little at this and sighed. "Guess we'll summon a demon then..."

"That's the spirit!" With that, Remus made a swift move with his hand, which now held a bucket full of a red liquid that reminded Virgil scarily of blood.

The older side let himself fall to the floor and drowned his hand in the bucket, before starting to draw a Pentagram on the floor.

Virgil slowly sat down next to him, still nervous about it. They were in the basement of Remus' castle in the imagination so at least anyone else would be safe for a while.

As the Pentagram was finished, Remus happily stood up and started the summoning. "Latin words, more Latin words, and french! Blah blah blah croissants demon!"

Virgil couldn't hold back a laugh, at Remus summoning but quickly hid it behind his hand. The trash man grinned proud, until he snapped with his hand and the Pentagram began to burn.

Virgil quickly took a few steps back and watched, as the demon stepped out of the flames.

It was pretty basic. Black skin, sharp teeth, two devilish horns and a tail. It's eyes were completely red that looked like blood would have been kept in two glass beads.

"How dare you summon me?" It said in a deep voice that send shivers down Virgil's spine.

"Wanna fuck?"
The demon and Virgil looked at Remus, both thinking of he was joking or not. The thing is, he was not.

After he got no response, Remus pouted and snapped again, making the demon and the blood disappear.
"Great, now I'm bored."

Virgil just shook his head, smiling slightly. "Let's go back. Deceit said he would be finished by now."

Virgil felt bad that he couldn't help with making lunch, but Deceit insisted on doing it on his own.

'You just came back. Besides, I have six hands, it will be faster that way', he said.

Remus nodded and went to the bedroom of his castle. He opened the closed door and let Virgil pass through it before quickly following and closing the closet.

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