Snek boi

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"Come on Dee!"
"I will not do that"

Remus tried to convince Deceit with the puppy eyes he learned from Virgil. Back when the purple boy was a kid he always got what he wanted because of that. Remus was already in a teenager-like state when Virgil used these so he wasn't able to try it on Deceit. But now he did.
And Deceit wouldn't take Remus' shit.

"I said no."

They were in front of the light sides. All of them were confused on what Remus was expecting from the man. The green guy sighed in defeat and turned to Virgil.
They all three stood on the stair case, which seemed to be Deceit and Remus' new places now. Virgil definetly wouldn't complain. The two dark sides were helping him to calm down or just not let him feel lonely.

"Okay, I give up. It's your turn"

Virgil simply smirked. "You owe me something now"

"Yeah yeah, I lost the bet, I know, shut it. Now do your thing", Remus said slightly annoyed. Virgil simply rolled his eyes at this and smirked.
He cracked his knuckles and neck as if he was gonna beat the shit outa Deceit.
Virgil turned to the man and stared into his eyes like he was reading his soul, before he sighed and closed his eyes. When Virgil opened them again he had the cutest puppy dog eyes ever that made Patton aww out loud.
"Please Dee... can you do it for me?"

Deceit closed his eyes in order to not fall for the puppy eyes.
"No, Virgil. It is humiliating especially in front of the light sides and Thomas."

"Come on, they will love it!", Remus cheered, worrying Roman and Logan. If Remus loved, whatever they wanted to happen so badly, it had to be something really horrible.

Virgil let out a huff. It was time for his secret weapon.
You remember the nickname Hyacinth? The flower? Yeah, Remus and Virgil figured out that Deceit loved flowers. That why Remus and Virgil both have flower nicknames. And they decided to give Deceit one too.
"Please Marigold! For your two favourite sons?"
Patton gasped slightly.

Remus got the hint and posed with Virgil. Both puppy eyes and in a pleading position, holding their hands like they were praying.

Deceit sighed. Of course they would somehow make him do that.


The two cheered happy, grinning widely.
"Okay Okay!", Remus grinned, turning Deceit to face the light sides.
The man took a deep breath, before he opened his eyes.


Deceit got even a little red out of embarrassment when he showed his snake tongue.

"Snek boi!", Remus yelled, grinning widely. Virgil laughed a little and was grinning too.

And that's when the last light side, Logan, realised: he fucked up.
He noticed what a normal being Virgil was. Not harmful at all. He was even acting like a child around the dark sides sometimes. Logan found out Virgil loved books, the emo was, according to Romans description of the prank, a magnificent artist, they found out the boy loved the nature while they, no, Logan, held the boy inside like it was a prison. Hell, Virgil even told him he was depressed! And Logan didn't do anything. This could have gone wrong in so many ways and Logan just didn't do anything. He said Virgil was supposed to feel like that but when he thought about it Logan could slap himself right in the face. He is Anxiety. He's supposed to overthink, not to want to die!

And Logan felt terrible after this realisation hit him like a truck.

Marigold, a yellow flower. According to, this flower generally means happiness, except for Mexico, where it means death.
I thought this flower, with its two pretty different meanings, would fit with Deceit.

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