With the Light Sides

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"He can't just disappear! It makes no sense!"

"His room is gone too!"

"W-What do we do now?"

It was chaos, to say the least. All three Light Sides were running around, searching for the emo boy.

"Okay, we all need to calm down. Panicking does not help the searching.", Logan said, adjusting his glasses and looking at the two other sides. His eyes were filled with determination.

"Why do we bother anyways? You know that he never did something to help us or Thomas!"

Patton looked at Roman in shock.
"He's our friend!"

"Also, Anxiety is a part of Thomas, like we learned. It would be very unhealthy if he'd disappear."

Roman scoffed. "He's not our friend, Patton! We never even call him by his name, not Logan, not I and you neither!"

The Dad side was taken aback before drifting away in his thoughts.
"Logan." Patton said sternly, getting the attention of both of the sides.
"A month ago, Anx-" Patton swallowed thickly, realising his mistake. "Virgil wanted to talk to me. I told him I had no time and asked him to go talk to you. Did he?"

Logan went silent for a minute, trying to recall what happened. When he did, Logics face paled a little. The others didn't notice.

"Yes. He came to me. Why do you ask?"

"What did he wanna talk about? He said it was important" Patton felt sick when he remembered what happened. Virgils silent voice, asking Patton for his attention because he had something important to say. Why did Patton send him away? Morality could slap himself for his stupid action.

"He... he told me, that he didn't feel well. Psychologically. And from his body language, I'd say he..."
Logan didn't want to say it out loud but the expecting faces told him to keep going.
"He cut himself."

Patton started to tear up and even Roman was shocked.

"Do you think he...killed himself?"
Romans voice was barely beyond a whisper. His mind raced with memories of the emo nightmare. Or at least the ones they shared. The prince was shocked when he realised that beside the videos, those memories weren't many. And in nearly everyone he somehow insulted the boy. Damn, he fucked up. He fucked up big.

"I don't think so. If he was dead, Thomas would act like the time An- ... Virgil locked himself away, which he doesn't. So he has to be somewhere.", Logan explained, calming the crying Dad a little.

"Listen, Thomas clearly does not need to know this. He is not affected by this and he would just worry and be distracted from his goals.", Logan said, earning a gasp of protest from Patton.

"But...but...what if he wanna talk to him?"

"We can tell him Virgil is sick, until we find him"

"I'm going to the imagination", Roman said, shaking a bit. He needed distraction right now.

Boy, he didn't expect the distraction he got there.

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