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Virgil ate a little more, but was still unhealthy thin. He now drank regularly.
The young one was staying in his room all day and all night, except for getting food. If it wasn't for the clock in his room, the boy would have lost track of time long ago. But that was better than going outside and see the light sides.

He was afraid of them. Of their voices and appearances. They became the scariest thing to him he could ever imagine. And it hurt. It hurt so much, knowing that your are so bad that the good ones hate you.
He never wanted to be the bad guy. He never asked for his destiny. But Virgil couldn't change it, right?

The boy let out a sigh. Now was not the time for overthinking. He was excited for the night after tomorrow. He knew exactly what he wanted to do and thinking about it made him oddly calm and happy. It was somewhat scary. Many people are afraid of their death and don't want to imagine it. But Virgil seemed the happiest when thinking about drifting to sleep and never waking up again.
It would be peaceful, much different than his life right now.

Virgil looked at his clock. It was late in the evening. The day flew by like nothing with his racing thoughts and blasting music.
Virgil smiled.
He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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