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Everything was dark.

Why do I feel so cold?

His eyes were closed. That's why it was so dark. But the boy didn't want to open his eyes. He was afraid of what he might see.

What if that was all a dream?

"What if he doesn't wake up?"


Virgil didn't know what was going on. He didn't know where he was, what happened, and who was with him.
The boy started shaking.

"Get him another blanket"

But the most important thing was...why do the voices care? All voices he ever heard hated him. If it was the sides' voices, the ones in his head or his own. Everyone hated him, why didn't these voices do?

Virgil felt something heavy on top of him. And warmer. Someone actually gave him a blanket..?

Okay. Think, Anxiety, god damn it! Recall... Recall... Okay. I was at the lake. I wanted to finally sleep... and it worked. But...there was that voice. What was it saying? I can't remember... Am I with the other sides? That would explain the voices... But they wouldn't give me a blanket, would they? No, they would've left me at the lake. So what is happening..?

The only way to answer his questions would be to open his eyes. And Virgil knew that. But if he opened his eyes, all his protection would be gone. The only reason he wasn't yelled at by now was, because the voices thought he would still be unconscious.

The boy began to shiver again and a tear left his eye. Virgil was afraid of being yelled at again. He didn't want to be reminded of how worthless and useless he was, but as soon as he realised that a tear slipped, many followed. His cover was gone. He was going to be yelled at, he was going to beaten for his stupid action for sure. He didn't want to be hurt again, why couldn't it just have worked? Why did he have to be such a useless, pathetic, worthless, unnecessary, stupid piece of-


His eyes snapped open. The sides never called him by his name, even after he told them. The small boy hadn't heard this name in years and he was about to forget it himself.

Virgil expected to need to close his eyes again, thinking the light would blend him like when he left his room at the day time. But the place was actually not that bright.

He still needed to focus but it didn't seem to work. At least until he felt a tight grip around his body. Virgil yelped in surprise as his eyes widened and he pushed the person away as quick as possible. He knew he was going to get hurt. Life means pain and now that he even failed to end that, he was going to feel even more pain than usual.

As Virgil shoved the person away, he fell from the soft underground he was laying on the whole time. But the boy didn't care. He ignored the physical pain in his back, but instead made himself as small as possible, holding his hands above his ears in order to keep the insults and pain away from him. Virgil didn't care about his reputation or whatever right now.

Meanwhile, two sides looked shocked and hurt at the sign of such a broken Virgil that once was part of their small family. And even more that this state was caused by a simple hug from a simple man with moustache.

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