Happy pride

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It was the first day of pride month. Thomas has uploaded a video and was now summoning all six sides.
All of them were showing rainbows in some way. At least the light sides did.
Everyone was at their usual spots, except for Remus and Deceit, who were standing with Virgil.

"Come oooon V! Don't you trust me?", Remus asked, making his puppy dog eyes. Or well, puppy hellhound eyes.
"Not when it's about my eyeshadow.", Virgil insisted, to heated up in the argument to acknowledge the others.
Deceit sighed. "How about you let him do your makeup and you do his in return?"
Virgil thought about this for a few seconds before he nodded.

Remus smiled as brightly as possible, before he summoned different makeup utensils he will need.
"Okay, close your eyes and let me do my magic!"
Virgil simply sighed and obeyed the order.

The light sides and Thomas were watching the conversation curiously.
Well, mostly Roman and Logan since they haven't seen them like this yet.
Patton and Thomas found out about their good sides on the concert and just smiled at their actions.

So Remus got rid of Virgil's black eyeshadow. The boy struggled at letting him do that, sometimes hissing and growling, but while Roman was slightly scared that the emo would turn into some sort of beast at any moment, Remus just laughed like this happened multiple times before, which it probably had.

After quite some time, Remus has finished and held up a mirror, proud of his work. "Tada!"

Virgil opened his eyes and was honestly surprised. He thought Remus would take the opportunity and mess with his face completely, but no. He gave the boy his eyeshadow, but instead of pure black it held the colours of the rainbow. If you looked closely, you could see purple glitter in it.
Virgil smiled and looked up at Remus.

Remus grinned even wider.
"No problem! Come on, your turn!"
The green man closed his eyes excitedly, obviously wanting to get his makeover.
Virgil was thinking about what he could do, before flashing a grin and starting to work.

Roman and Logan were surprised and confused. Why did they act so...normal?
Patton and Thomas were just talking to Deceit while Remus and Virgil were doing each other's makeup.
The bad guys seemed so good...

Roman and Logan began to have doubts.

Virgil grabbed the mirror and held it in front of Remus, who squeaked like a little school girl in excitement.
"I love it!"

Remus now had a realistic looking open wound on his forehead, but instead of flesh or blood inside of it you could see the rainbow colours.

Virgil smiled happy. "I'm glad you like it."

And then Thomas stepped in.
"How about we post our pride looks?"
Everyone agreed. And that's how they had a rainbow photo shooting and a lot of fun together.

Of course Roman and Logan were still distant and careful around the dark sides but maybe... maybe one day, they all could live together in their own happily ever after.
At least that's what Virgil hopes.

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