Fill Chapter-Evelyn, Evelyn

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Remus and Virgil sat back to back on the floor. Both had their eyes closed and were thinking about their past.

Remus was thinking about his brother and how they used to be best friends. Close. Together.

Virgil was thinking about his life with the Light Sides. The fears. The words that felt like knifes in his vulnerable heart.

And they were singing. About each other and about their pasts.

Both- Evelyn, Evelyn,

Virgil- Why do we bother to stay?

Remus- Why are you running away?

It was one of Virgil's dumbest decisions ever to leave

Virgil- Don't you feel like severing?

Remus- Everything's just come together at last

Virgil- It's broken, I don't want to play

Remus-We grew up closer than most

Virgil-Closer than anything

Remus-closer than anything

Virgil-Shared our bed and wore the same clothes

Remus-Talked about everything,

Virgil- spoke about so many things

They were a small little family back then. And now they are once again.

Remus-What shall we wear tonight?

Virgil-What shall we eat today?

Remus-Can we go ice skating?

Virgil-But we just did that yesterday

Both-Should we be firemen? Can we be astronauts?

It might not seem like it, but they all cared for Thomas and wanted to help in their own way.

Virgil-What if they find us?

Remus-They're not looking anyway

Virgil was always the worrying one. Remus always said he shouldn't worry.

Both-Fill my glass, let's drink a toast

Remus-This is our birthday, so why are we weeping?

Virgil-At your side...

Remus-...I feel like a ghost

Virgil-I wake up first

Remus-and I stare at you sleeping

Both-What shall we wear tonight?
What shall we eat today?

Remus-Do you think I should marry him?

Virgil-But we just met him yesterday

And Virgil was the rationale one out of these two.

Both-Should we be movie stars? Will we be millionaires?

Remus-I want to be famous

Virgil-They're watching us anyway...

Both-We grew up so very close

Remus-A parasite needs a host

That's when everything went downhills. Remus missed his brother if he wanted to admit it or not and the words his brother called him hurt his heart more than any sword ever could.

Virgil-I'm only trying to do what is best for us!

Why wouldn't the Light Sides just See that he wants to help?!
They were both caught up in their memories...

Remus-Well, I never asked for this, I never wanted this

When did things between the twins got so complicated?

Virgil-All that I want is some time to myself!

He couldn't take it any longer. Tears started to fall down Virgil eyes. But the horrible memories got flooded away when he remembered what happened later on in his life

Looking in your eyes, I'm coming home...

Remus-Just get away from me,
please just stop touching me
You're always trying to be somebody else!

This wasn't his brother anymore.

Virgil-Now I realize I'm not alone

Still crying, Virgil smiled slightly. He had his family.

Remus-Well, you're only scared of me

Remus couldn't get away from the memories of his brother.

Virgil-But you never cared for me

Virgil knew it was the truth about the light sides.

Remus-Why don't you let me free?

Virgil-Cause you'd never dare to be

Both-'Cause you never listen, you're always insisting

They both sang about their lives before everything turned out okay.

Both- (Virgil-I'm just/
Remus-just stop) reminiscing,

The two sang different things at the same time.

Both-I feel something missing

Both-I just want
(Remus-you here with me/
Virgil-my privacy),

(Remus-can't we just get along/Virgil-won't you leave me alone)?

And then the song ended.

Deceit stopped the video he was taking and hugged his boys.
Virgil was still crying while Remus looked just really upset.
And Deceit comforted them both.

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