Chapter One; Conflicts - Edited

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"Would you just let me do my thing!", Romans voice boomed powerfully over the previous conversation.

The four sides were working on the script for a new video, together with their host. They had gathered in Thomas' living room, back in the real world. Everyone stood at their representative spots; that way they could all see and talk with each other.
All in all the script was really good, but Virgil pointed out a few minor details that not even Logan seemed to notice, or more likely care about for that matter. Roman got offended at how Virgil could talk so badly about his claimed Masterpiece. Patton tried to tell Roman that Virgil just wanted to help them out in order to defuse the heated argument, while Logan tried to explain to Virgil why these flaws weren't essentially necessary to point out. And Thomas... Thomas wanted them all to just stop arguing, calm down and talk. However, Romans voice made everyone shut their mouth and listen to the prince.

"Why do you always have to ruin the good things! No one needed to know that, it's not important! Nothing you ever say is!"

Everyone was staring at him, eyes wide in surprised shock. They didn't expect such an outburst from Roman.

"I just-"

"No!" Roman cut Virgil off. "Can't you just keep quiet for once so we can do our job and actually help Thomas!"

Virgil went silent. He wanted to apologise, to run away from this situation, to lock himself in his room and never come out to see the light ever again. But Virgil knew it would give him too much attention. If he just disappeared right now, he would seem weird, maybe suspicious of something. Of what exactly he wasn't sure, but they'd be mad, probably. So Virgil just lowered his head so far his eyes were completely covered by his bangs and kept quiet, as Roman asked. Said side took a deep breath before turning back to the matter at hand. "So, where were we?"

The others looked at each other for a few seconds, all kinds of emotions troubling them. Logan joined Roman with the check up for the script after just a second, while Thomas and Patton looked at Virgil in a mixture of worry and remorse, before slowly turning their attention back to the other two men working. Patton noted to ask Virgil later if he was okay.

And the time went by faster then it seemed should be possible.

After work was over with, the sides had some light chattering with Thomas, who seemed to have either forgotten or suppressed Romans outburst earlier. Patton however, looked over at Virgil once more. The man stood way behind them all. Staring. Waiting.

"What are you looking at, creep?" Roman asked, not really happy with how the anxious side looked at him. In Romans eyes, it was wrong. Virgil stared him right in the eyes with a cold, emotionless face, before sinking out. He was glad that this torture of more or less socialising was finally over.

Virgil always hated being outside of his room. In there he could do as he desired without the fear of getting criticised by the others. He could let his guard down more than anywhere else and finally relax a bit. It was his safe space, a peaceful anchor standing still in a sea of bursting emotions.
He could have panic attacks that feel like bursting his lungs and cry for hours on end without the risk of anyone noticing.

Virgil took the nearest object, which happened to be a squishy ball from his desk, and threw it at the other end of the room, where it collided with the wall and bounced back, rolling until it came to a halt back by his feet. A suppressed sob escaping Virgil's lips, even as he tried to press them together and shut himself up.

Stupid stupid stupid.

Virgil pressed his palms against his closed eyelids as he cursed himself for speaking his mind. After all, Virgil knew better than that, right? He should've known better.

Why do I always have to ruin everything?

He looked at his ceiling while slowly sliding down the door. Despite his best efforts, the inevitable tears managed to blurry Virgil's vision, making it even harder to see in the dark room. After some more seconds, the young side could feel a slight tingle on his cheek, implying that the tears started falling. A heart wrenching sob escaped his lips once more, as it shook his body to the core. More tears followed, some pulling his eyeshadow down with them, creating ugly stains and tear streaks.

Why couldn't I just hold my mouth? Just keep quiet for once!

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